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  1. Yeah I know that such an agreement would have been illegal that's why I said it was supposed I wasn't saying that it actually was a cause, I was just making a summary of the story of DDR4 pricing, if you look it up in a lot of the first threads about ram pricing that was thought to be the cause, sorry I didn't make the phrasing clear. That aside if I'm not misinterpreting your answer you don't see a price cut untill the realease of ddr5?
  2. I just would like to know your opinion about DDR4 prices, as I believe all of you know since last year we had a huge spike in DDR4 prices, here in Italy the price has doubled, the causes for this were at first found in a supposed agreement between ram manufacturers to stop competing on prices and after in the shortage nor NAND flash that caused a lack of availability of the memory. It has been an year know and, at least for what I have seen, nothing as changed. If I recall correctly I have seen in a wan show from some time ago a news regarding the construction of new chains of production for the production of memory that should start the production in early 2018, if that is true, fact check me on this one because I'm going by heart and I'm not sure about it, do you believe that we will see a drop of the pricing or that the manufacturers will catch the occasion of this long time of overpricing to make the price increase permanent? Let me hear your opinions.
  3. Hi i currently have a gtx 1080 and i'm going to upgrade my cpu, i (would like) play at 144hz at 1080p what i would like to know is what cpu will allow me to do so. Is an i5 8400 enough or should i buy something better? Is ryzen an option or should i avoid it for gaming? Thak you for your time The budget is " lets try to spend less possible" but i should be able t spend 500€, but consider that have to change mobo ram and obviously cooler