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  1. I need a UPS that can keep it running long enough to shutdown safely(so around 5-10 minutes) and supply power during very short brownouts that last a couple seconds. My power usage would be at most 450 watts since that is what my power supply's wattage is, though my power usage is more likely 350 watts
  2. How do I convince my sister that she should use strong passwords and that they should all be different? I want to convince her that she should use lastpass along with random passwords for the best security. I personally use lastpass for everything and like to be very secure.
  3. seems like the apie headset is unavailable. I can't find it anywhere else either.
  4. oops I meant this: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Trinsdar/saved/YN88K8
  5. Would I be able to keep the cpu and video card of this build while staying under $600? I won't be getting my debit card in the mail for a week and therefore can't buy it now.
  6. I've edited the topic. I don't know whats she is using to record music, but for editing it she will be using audacity
  7. What would be the best laptop for my sister? Her main uses would music recording, photo editing and computer drawing(with gimp), and internet. I don't know her budget for sure but I believe she can't go above $500.