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  1. I don't know that I would have a main operating system since I need different OSes for different purposes. I wanna play with Kali as well as various other distributions of Linux, I need Windows for Microsoft Office and Eve Online, FreeNAS for media storage so its all in one box (i live in a single bedroom apartment so I don't have a lot of space), etc. But there would be type 1 hypervisor - most likely KVM - running these virtualized OSes. Trying to build this thing for under 1000 dollars but I suspect that's a little optimistic.
  2. I am building a machine for my home CCNA lab, but I also play Eve Online and would like to have my home lab and gaming rig in the same box. I would like to find a decent processor which would support the necessary features required by KVM, the hypervisor I plan on installing, so that I can have multiple instances of OSes and routers running through GNS3. But, I need that processor to be fast enough to run Eve Online on top of a virtualized OS like Windows or Ubuntu. I will not be studying and gaming at the same time, so I don't need more than two operating systems running while gaming. I WILL want multiple running while I am studying. Luckily, Eve Online doesnt have very serious hardware requirements, compared to other modern games, so I don't need anything CRAZY, but they do recommend and Intel i7 series or better (Or AMD/whatever equivalent, I dont do ). I've found lots of articles and videos explaining how to build a decent virtualization lab, but those kinds of machines are optimized for running the types of services you put on a server - DHCP, FTP, VPN, etc. So, lots of cores, very slow clock speed. Am I looking for a motherboard that will support KVM and dual CPUs? One with many, slow cores and one with two really fast cores? And if so, what CPUs would you recommend? If not, what AM I looking for?