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Everything posted by __________

  1. Hi so I Recently Saw this Keyboard At a Hardware Canucks Video, And i was wondering what Shade of white was used for the keys. Adding To that, where can i order customized keycaps? I found the maxkeyboard Website but the color and design were a bit limited.
  2. yeah, that could be it. Nice i was a bit confused at first if it was bad. Thanks
  3. I have a 2080ti , Which do you think matches it better?
  4. Hi so I've been exploring the " top ultrawide monitors 2019" and on my own i found the LG 34GK950F-B on my own which i think has pretty impressive spec for an ips ultrawide panel but I've noticed that most of the list that I saw didn't include this monitor and instead had the alienware monitor at the top of their lists, Is there some sort of problem with the lg monitor or is the alienware monitor actually better? I mean looking at the specs of both the LG 34GK950F-B provides a faster response time (Lg 1ms Alienware 4ms), Higher refresh rate (Lg 144Hz Alienware 120Hz). Am i missing something? Which is better in your opinion?
  5. Thanks, but I heard the bios is a little bit hard to deal with ?
  6. yeah my bad i got confused but i changed it.
  7. Hi So I'm Looking for a new motherboard for the 9700K and most of the ones that i saw recommended the Maximus XI line, But according to some people these boards have some problems like they have significantly lesser vrams than the Aorus Z390 line. I'm a bit confused on what to choose i mean i will be using the pc for heavy gaming and a couple of engineering programs. Which one should i Choose?
  8. So I've been going around the internet for a bit and I found these two AIO coolers that i like but from what I've read the NZXT kraken offers more and is cooler(temperature) but the only downside is its cam software(according to the posts and reviews), Did they patch the kinks off yet? or is it still the same? I was thinking if i should just go with the Corsair H115i Pro? Since according to them the only downside are its stock fans which can be easily replaced. Another question is if corsair's LL fans would be ok as replacements for the stock fans on these coolers?
  9. I'm having trouble choosing between the Asus - ROG STRIX Z370-E GAMING , MAXIMUS X Hero and code. What are the main differences between these 3 motherboards?
  10. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/JosH_/saved/wxCkTW I'm planning to use two monitors an Ultrawide (The soon to be released Acer X35) and another monitor which ill use for console gaming. I based my power supply from the wattage shown on pcpartpicker , But I'm not really sure if it was right because in my mind since this setup needs about 800 watts, Then I should get a higher value power supply to prevent it from losing power. Is my theory right or am I wrong? The question is if the power supply that I chose for this build adequate or should I choose another one ? And if so which power supply and what wattage should i get?
  11. I'm not really an audio expert so please bear with my terms. So i recently found out about the m1060. And i decided that these headphones will be my "Gaming Headphones". The question is, If these headphones need a Dac/Amp to get a better sound quality. Which Dac/Amp would that be? And also if you have another recommendation for another great headphone which has good sound quality and can make footsteps noticeable and can make you feel like you're actually in the game (ex. you can feel the feelings of the music) , It will be very much appreciated.
  12. Do you guys know any strong and durable monitor desk mounts which can carry one 35'' ultrawide monitor (Acer X35 (Pending)) and a 27'' - 29'' monitor?
  13. Thanks , I was thinking of buying an M.2 as my boot drive and an HDD as the heavy storage. Then I'll buy a Optane memory to get "SSD Speeds". Does the optane memory Guarantee SSD like speeds or would I be better off on just buying an SSD?
  14. Just wanted to ask,What are the types of storage for a PC? Because while watching a video i heard the guy say boot up drive and it made me wonder if there were other drives which serves specific purposes for the pc? and should i buy different types of drives?
  15. Thanks, Still a bit undecided though. Do you guys have any recommendations? ( Storage for files, games, videos, etc....)
  16. I was thinking of buying a Intel optane memory and a HDD for storage of files, rather than buying an ssd which would cost more but the dilemma is I already have an m.2 and an ssd, Would the intel optane memory affect the m.2 and ssd? Or is it possible to choose which drive it affects? Because I heard that optane isn't really optimized for ssd's and m.2's yet.
  17. I am Looking for headphones which will be used mainly for Gaming ( dont know if its possible to have one which can make me hear footsteps and directional audio which can also be used for immersive gaming and make me feel like I'm really in the game ) and movie and video editing. My budget is only $200 and below. After researching and scouring the net on headphones i discovered some facts which i don't really know if they are true. 1. Some of the "Gaming " Headphones are not really great in quality and only all advertising (Don't really know if this is true). 2. Its better to get a headphone which is not gaming and just slap a mod mic on it. 3.the surround sound feauture on some gaming headphones can be immitated by downloading some softwares and example is razer's software for surround sound. I did find some headphones which i liked which were the Audio Technica ath-m50x and the ath-ad700x then there's the Sennheiser Game One. Don't really know if these are great And another thing is that i was thinking of buying a DAC like the focusrite scarlet Thanks BTW
  18. I am Looking for headphones which will be used mainly for Gaming ( dont know if its possible to have one which can make me hear footsteps and directional audio which can also be used for immersive gaming and make me feel like I'm really in the game ) and movie and video editing. My budget is only $200 and below. After researching and scouring the net on headphones i discovered some facts which i don't really know if they are true. 1. Some of the "Gaming " Headphones are not really great in quality and only all advertising (Don't really know if this is true). 2. Its better to get a headphone which is not gaming and just slap a mod mic on it. 3.the surround sound feauture on some gaming headphones can be immitated by downloading some softwares and example is razer's software for surround sound. I did find some headphones which i liked which were the Audio Technica ath-m50x and the ath-ad700x then there's the Sennheiser Game One. Don't really know if these are great And another thing is that i was thinking of buying a DAC like the focusrite scarlet Wrong Thread My bad
  19. Ohh ok ill give it a try since i does tends to get really hot where i live. Thanks for the help Btw.
  20. Any good AiO you could recommend? because I don't really have that much experience on doing custom loops.
  21. Mostly Heavy gaming and a couple of video editing and school work like 3d rendering and other stuff.
  22. I am kinda getting into the whole rgb and tempered glass trend. The color scheme that i thought of was a mix between white black and purple . As for the games i have a wide range i play some graphically taxing games like doom , battlefield and Witcher 3 and would also like to play games that will be coming to the pc in the future. Thanks by the way.