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  1. just a fairly low end Gigabyte H110M, you think that's the problem? Seems odd if so, it's quite a large drop in performance... My GPU usage is also very high (around 90%) but CPU usage is only 50%ish yet the FPS are still tanking...
  2. I reset to optimised defaults a few times previously, didn't seem to solve the problem...
  3. What temp would this CPU throttle at? It never goes above ~65C, and the poor performance is there from the start before the temp has even reached 40C.. There is a TDP setting in the BIOS for each core that's currently set to 65W - could this be the cause?
  4. Hey all, I recently upgraded from an i3 6100 to an i5 7500 and my fps has actually DROPPED by about 20 on many games...any idea why this could be happening? Specs are i5 7500, 16Gb RAM and a GTX 970 - only thing that's changed is the CPU and BIOS (had to update it to use the new CPU - as far as I can tell it went through with no problems) I'm thinking it's the CPU because in all the games I've tried that show performance metrics it's the CPU highlighted in red that's failing to hit the 16ms target for 60fps. To be clear I was hitting 60 on these settings on the 6100, which is extremely annoying... Any help would be much appreciated.