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  1. Just got my first mechanical keyboard yesterday played all day and today used it a lot too (havent turned pc off) This night while i was playing a game i realized holding down keys would let go of them (which isnt really whats happening) after testing more and finding no fixes i checked on a couple keyboard ghosting site and what seems to happen is that when i hold the key down:it holds down normally for half a second,stops for another half second, then starts repeatedly pressing the button.All i do is hold down the button and when i hold down two or more buttons what happens is that the key i pressed last is the one that messes up.Filter keys is off tried restarting pc.
  2. Ok thanks Ill be getting those they plug into the green socket right? I should have no problem with them then
  3. So I have been looking to get a new headset since mines ruined and old and I don't want to spend over 35$ either Also I was told to look into Superlux but none of the 3 I'm going to show look like they would be good for gaming which is what I'm looking for So the 1st ones are some OneOdios with some good reviews but I'm not sure if I can plug them in to my pc so if anyone can take a look theres a pic of my pc https://www.amazon.co.uk/OneOdio-Headphones-Monitoring-Isolating-Headsets-Black/dp/B01MZHAX5S/ref=sr_1_55?s=electronics-accessories&ie=UTF8&qid=1509538671&sr=1-55&keywords=headset&refinements=p_n_style_browse-bin%3A1601095031 the other 2 are some superlux's (never heard of superlux) with a lot of good reviews but I don't know which would be better for gaming https://www.amazon.co.uk/Superlux-HD668B-Headphones-Black/dp/B003JOETX8/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics-accessories&ie=UTF8&qid=1509539349&sr=1-1&keywords=superlux https://www.amazon.co.uk/P-Howard-HD681-Superlux-Headphones-Black/dp/B002GHIPYI/ref=sr_1_6?s=electronics-accessories&ie=UTF8&qid=1509539349&sr=1-6&keywords=superlux Ill take any other recommendations just don't tell me to save up 50$ cause id rather have most of my money go into other stuff.
  4. what do you think of these? https://www.amazon.co.uk/OneOdio-Headphones-Monitoring-Isolating-Headsets-Black/dp/B01MZHAX5S/ref=sr_1_55?s=electronics-accessories&ie=UTF8&qid=1509538671&sr=1-55&keywords=headset&refinements=p_n_style_browse-bin%3A1601095031 also here are the two superlux headphones I looked up I'm looking to use the headphones for gaming so I'm not sure which of the 2 would be better any takes? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Superlux-HD668B-Headphones-Black/dp/B003JOETX8/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics-accessories&ie=UTF8&qid=1509539349&sr=1-1&keywords=superlux https://www.amazon.co.uk/P-Howard-HD681-Superlux-Headphones-Black/dp/B002GHIPYI/ref=sr_1_6?s=electronics-accessories&ie=UTF8&qid=1509539349&sr=1-6&keywords=superlux
  5. well I don't think I want to get any pair of expensive ones ever so also I edited it cause I found the g230 Logitech ones which seem pretty good but 1s 60$ on a sale down to 15$ others are about 20$
  6. So these 3 are pretty cheap at the moment and I'm wondering between 1 of the 4 they are basically same price at the moment https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vibration-Function-Professional-Headphone-schwarz2/dp/B01K9Q7IM2/ref=sr_1_2?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1509136347&sr=1-2&keywords=g1000&th=1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01HCRH9WU/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A2VX6OV6T7NMPB&psc=1#customerReviews https://www.amazon.co.uk/Logitech-Gaming-Headset-Quality-Lightweight/dp/B00CJ5FPSG/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1509137586&sr=1-1&keywords=g230 also wondering about which color I should get since with 2 of them I'm currently using the tracer 7.1 sphere but they aren't working well lately and I can hear through only 1 ear most of the time
  7. I save up like 20$ a month if I don't buy anything I think ill wait but if I find a 1050ti at a really big discount ill get it
  8. I was looking for an upgrade to my gtx 750ti and I wanted the 1050ti but my psu isn't really good enough and I cant change it without having t ochange the mobo aswell and yes gaming and also I do some 3d things with blender (3d art program) but my gtx 750ti is ok with blender as of now but its mostly the fact that the 750ti is old now and doesn't perform well with recent games also mine tends to crash often
  9. oh yeah I read that the one I wanted to get didn't need a 6pin pcie cable problem here is half of the people now are telling me to get it without getting a psu and other half to save up for a new build so what I'm wondering rn is if I should get the 1050ti or just save up but for something else since I don't think ill be building a new pc
  10. gets too complicated for me ive never opened a pc up until now and with all these adapters and everything I have no idea what to do with them I don't even know what a 6 pin pcie cable does or where it goes
  11. yeah I might get just the 1050ti but I'm not going to upgrade the psu on this pc
  12. So I got this lenovo pc an year ago the guy put in a gtx 750ti and put an ssd in for me but I'm looking to upgrade to a gtx 1050ti so my pc specs are i5-6400 8gb ddr4 gtx 750ti 2gb 250W psu I made a thread asking how much W my psu is and about 5 people responded 250 and I then saw it there (didn't see it at 1st,the psu is top left corner btw) so we started a discussion about it and I was told to upgrade my psu 1st so I looked at psus for around 5 hours that day (with pauses for school at other stuff) but I spent a lot of time sorting it out Next day a guy comes and tells me the psu isn't changeable without me changing the motherboard aswell I cant afford to get a new motherboard ,psu,gpu and then look for someone to put them in cause I know nothing about pcs So my question is can the 1050ti SC run with this pc on an year old 250W psu or I should keep this and probably never upgrade cause I cba with getting a new pc To be honest I was looking to just get the 1050ti without any other upgrades cause I don't have much saved up anyway (I just turned 16)
  13. yes it is a Lenovo system and I'm kind of lost now so I cant change the psu without changing motherboard and if I want to do that I need to start looking for a cheapish motherboard again so I'm going to end up with no money anyway I cant just get the 1050ti since it needs a better psu and I'm not going to just ''trash the pc'' as that guy said I'm only left with the option to live my life with this pc and play only 2009-2012 games on max settings and newer releases are unplayable for me I guess