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  1. I am curious if the Cpu used effects the performance of the Gpu as it pertains to carrying out cuda operations. Does Intel or Amd perform better when working with the gpu? My understanding was that Intel had a partnership with Nvidia to develop products that were well integrated, is this true and does this mean that Intel has an advantage? I ask because I'm in the position to upgrade my workstation and the only requirement I really have is optimize for working with Cuda along with being a beast to solve hefty numerical programs on. Thanks for the answers. P.S. I run Ubuntu rather than any of the if that makes a difference for this. Edit: Since people are asking, most of my work consists of simulating electromagnetic systems. So Finite Element, Runge Kutta for 10^6 or greater interacting cells (scales as N log N in my experience). I use some open source code like Mumax3 (mumax.github.io) along with writing my own.