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  1. oh! if you intaking air with h100iv2 at front, exactly same as diagram 4. do you know what is your stressed gpu's temp?
  2. you mean single fan AIO for only CPU as exhaust at top. right? diagram 4 is dipicting 240 AIO now. 120 AIO can handle that all cooling with heated inside air?
  3. i had a same problems so i uninstalled newest version. and also delete folders from drive and install old version. and it came up!
  4. first, thanks for clicking my post. and i am having some heating problems and trying to reduce inside temps.. in my opinion, the heated air coming from GPU ( around 75-80 with PUBG ) this heated air is going out through h100i v2's exhausting rad... so i think...the reason of not enough cooled cpu temp (70~ on PUBG) is RAD can't cooling enough with that heated air which is from GPU... and it made me think about air flow. so here is problems that i am thinking on * cooling cpu with exhaust air GPU heating inside air -> heated air cooling my CPU's RAD -> CPU can't cooled enough * cooling cpu with intake air get fresh cooling air with intake -> increasing inside temp(through RAD) -> GPU can't get enough cooling. SO! yeah! adding one more AIO on GPU... but, how? where? RAD with intake? exhaust? please consider and recommend me what is the best configuration for my system. i5-7600k ( with h100i v2 or h80) z170 MSI GTX1080 ( will get h55/g12 for gpu liquid cooling ) * with only slight OC so which configuration is gonna be better? or any other configuration?