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  1. Hey everyone I own a a7iii and I just recently ordered the F60RM flash I was wondering if I need the radio commander (WRC1M) to trigger the flash off camera. Please let me know my options or if there is a cheaper commander that will work. Thank you!! U.P.
  2. Hey everyone I need some help looking for a good 35mm. I have a a7miii and I'm not sure which lens to get. I hear good things about the 35mm 1.4 sigma AF as well as the new rokinon 35mm AF. Also I am willing to go the distance and get the 35mm 1.4 sony distagon. If anyone can help me make a decision that would be great. Thank you everyone, any help is greatly appreciated!!
  3. This just breaks my heart, damn it, thank you my man!!
  4. So corsair told me this plugs to my mobo with a sata to sata cable, like this https://www.bestbuy.com/site/insignia-2-right-angle-serial-ata-2-0-cable-black/5884325.p?skuId=5884325
  5. I miss placed all my psu cables
  6. Hey guys I'll send pics of the cables once I get home from work thanks for the replys!!
  7. What's up family!! So I currently have msi z170a gaming m3 motherboard and I want to upgrade my processor hopefully to the Intel i7 8700k and I was wondering if there's any compatibility issues ?? Any help is greatly appreciated thank you guys!!
  8. Hello family!! I need help, I have a set of beyerdynamic custom one pro's and a vmoda m100. I need a damn 3.5 that will fit both of these and for the life of me please don't let them break in 2 months!!! If you guys have any suggestions please let me know I need some serious help whereas I can find anything. Thank you guys for helping me out!!
  9. Okay just kidding I have no idea what cable this is, I only have sata to sata
  10. Thanks guys!! I think I got a extra one laying around!!
  11. Hey guys so I bought myself some new fans, the 3 pack of HD120 RGB from corsair to be exact. I'm super confused on hot to connect the data power cable to the power. Was I supposed to buy an additional sata cable, am I missing something, dose it go into my mobo?? Any help is greatly appreciated thanks guys!!
  12. I'll watch this is in a bit I'm glad you sent this. Currently i have a i5-7600k with a corsair water cooler I have a really solid msi mobo, evga gtx1060, 16gigs ddr4 ram 650watts bronze power supply
  13. Currently i have a i5-7600k with a corsair water cooler I have a really solid msi mobo, evga gtx1060, 16gigs ddr4 ram 650watts bronze power supply
  14. Well how is it going amigos. I've saved up enough to get a NEW RIG OR JUST UPGRADE MY CURRENT RIG!! I appreciate everyone's help in my decision. This is what I have so far < https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bgP94C > let me know guys!! Thank you!!