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  1. Oh shoot, I forgot to add my budget - it's $1100 or less. And weight isn't a huge concern, I used to carry 3 binders, a textbook, and a laptop all in my backpack in high school. My shoulders have kinda gotten used to it lol. Just nothing that will legit break my back would be great. Again the games and the streaming of games is just something that would be nice, it's not a necessity at all. Like I said apparently the college workload is BRUTAL, where I legit won't get any time to do what I want. Might get myself a desktop for that in the future for game streams and the like.
  2. I'm looking for a new laptop for college (Cybersecurity major, going to be a freshman in the fall) that will be able to last me the entire 4 years, but I'm not sure what I should be looking for spec wise. Things that I'm probably going to be doing on a regular basis: Programming in multiple languages Running a lot of Chrome tabs, with some of them being videos/streams (my Chrome profile also has a good amount of extensions) and Discord Writing papers PowerPoints Virtual machines (not sure if this will be something I have to do for school) Things that I want to do occasionally - According to some people, I won't even have the time to do ANY of this stuff because of the workload professors dump on you lol Play the following games at 1080p resolution, in order of how much I care to play them Rocket League (Performance is fine, High Quality would be nice) Minecraft (yeah i know cringe game. 16 chunk render distance, no shaders, modpacks sometimes) osu! (240fps+, minimal input lag) PUBG (Medium is fine, high would be nice) CS:GO (Medium is fine) Stream said games to Twitch at 720p (30fps is fine, 60fps would be nice) Edit videos either in Davinci Resolve/Hitfilm Express or Premiere, depends if I can get a student discount on Adobe Music production/messing around in FL Studio I'm somewhat convinced that I'm going to need at least a i7-7700HQ or i5-8300H, 16GB of RAM and a GTX 1060 to do this stuff, but I have a gut feeling that may be overkill for what I truly need. Also, apparently good battery life is a major concern when it comes to picking a college laptop, and I haven't found anything apart from the Inspiron 7567 that has good battery life and the specs that I think will work for me. Is battery life really that important in college? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  3. I'm considering my options for graphics cards for my new PC build and I found a GTX 1070 that I liked, the Asus Strix model. But I'm not sure if the RGB can be controlled by the Asrock Taichi X370 motherboard that I plan to get. If I wanted to control the RGB lights on the Asus card, do I also have to buy an Asus motherboard that has Asus Aura Sync or can the Asrock motherboard configure the RGB on the card? Also, if the RGB cannot be controlled by the Asrock board, will the graphics card stay on some kind of default rainbow mode? Here's links to the stuff I mentioned for reference: Motherboard i'm planning to get: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157757&cm_re=asrock_taichi-_-13-157-757-_-Product Graphics card i'm planning to get: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814126109&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker, LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=