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  1. If gta v and some other good games run 4k +60 steady fps and that's enough for me. I'm not gonna running newest battlefield on 4k.
  2. What are toy talking about? I was capable running gta v with steady +70 fps on my 970gtx. I'm not looking to play modern AAA titles with my 4k TV.
  3. And for example playing gta v 4k 60fps with medium details is enough for couch gaming. And all of those gpus are capable of doing that.
  4. Oh, sorry! I meant 1060 And I'm looking for value for buck.
  5. Hi, My 970 just died and I'm looking for a new gpu and I'm on a budjet. I currently have 3 used gpus in consideration. Rx480 4gb 130e Rx580 8gb 200e 1060ti 6gb 160e My setup is: 2700k @ 4,8ghz 16gb ram @ 2166 650w corsair psu I'm using gpu only for gaming. I got 1080p 144hz and 4k 60hz monitors. Also, my electric bill is same every month, so I don't care about power efficiency. Which one would you suggest and why? E: I'm leaning towards rx580 8gb,because its more future proof and have most memory