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  1. As title,i am using VMWare to learn how to use Centos7.When i usally use tab key to auto fill,it always "beep",pretty anoying so how to turn it off perm?
  2. Well,as you see in this title,i am finding for a Monitor headphones for music edits.I m really love Sony MDRZX310L, it just cost me about 189RMB( almost 35USD include shipping), well i just have 200RMB for buy( almost 40USD shipping included) and make it sure the type you suggest me is selling on Chinese Mainland. Thanks you <removed>
  3. Yeah,while i am try to set default web browswer though,the blue circle ringing a while,and setting page were disappeared and fall back to main.
  4. Nope,My Windows is activated now
  5. Chrome told me to set in Wndows default settings
  6. 好吧,意思是说当我设置默认浏览器的时候,设置界面会自动闪退至桌面,而且这个问题我尝试使用sfc工具去修复也无济于事。 **Translation provided by staff...
  7. 好吧,意思是说当我设置默认浏览器的时候,设置界面会自动闪退至桌面,而且这个问题我尝试使用sfc工具去修复也无济于事。
  8. Hey guys.Recently i found Window has a bug that is:when you setting default app for windos though,the setting page will be crashed. How should i solve this problem,cause as a student who is learning web debuging,who wanna use IE,right?
  9. No ,i try it on Baidu,but the things they tell and teach......well i dont understand it cause i my a beginner
  10. I found there is a name"start" behind each url,and how to set this thing variable?
  11. BTW,My teacher only told us to catch three pages for homework
  12. How to set this start in my Python WebCtach Project,I want it to continuly to catch the data i want.Thanks a lot! Here is my project under bellow import requests import bs4 link="https://movie.douban.com/top250" headers={"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.162 Safari/537.36"} r=requests.get(link,headers=headers) r.encoding="utf-8" html=r.text bs=bs4.BeautifulSoup(html,"html.parser") div_lst=bs.find_all("div",{"class":"info"}) for span in div_lst: name=span.find("span",{"class":"title"}).string score=span.find("span",{"class":"rating_num"}).string if float(score)>9.5: print(name) print(score) print("------------------------------")
  13. Well,why you make a close options upon open command?