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  1. Well, that's up to the individual business. The recordings belong to them. This is about the dangers of law enforcement gaining access to your personal cameras or recordings without your permission. Granted they apparently have to request it right now, but for one, how many average people would feel intimidated into handing it over, and two, who's to say that won't change in the future without your knowledge? This is why I usually avoid this type of technology. Although I do have an old web accessible camera system, and there's really no guarantee on that one either.
  2. According to this, Amazon is getting police departments, in the US at least, to enter into secret contracts to push their Ring home security products to residents, in exchange for free products as well as access to customers' recordings. It sounds like they may still have to actually request the recordings, at this point, but it does show them the locations of Ring cameras, and there is no oversight. This seems to be getting a little too close to what would be a voluntary "big brother" type situation for my tastes. Source - https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/mb88za/amazon-requires-police-to-shill-surveillance-cameras-in-secret-agreement