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  1. Thanks I left the Intel i7 7700k in though wanted the more ghz
  2. Actually I've done alot of research and ryzen best for video rendering Intel i7 7700k alot better for gaming and photoshop also I said Intel so pls don't suggest ryzen just tell me if my build is good or not and what I can improve without bringing up ryzen
  3. Hey guys I made a pc build and wanted to know if it looked solid I don't want to get windows off of kinguin so please steer clear from that and I prefer Intel i7 for photo shop and gaming . Please let me know what you guys think https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Dreedknight/saved/QcyvK8 Also let me know if it will last me for awhile by reviewing the mobo and other parts I put in.
  4. Going to be gaming and video editing
  5. Wanted alot of opinions on whether or not I'm over spending for a custom built pc. Please leave all your opinions I wish to know what you guys think. It's around 2300 dollars us. Intel i7 the graphics card is a gtx 1080 monitor is the Dell s27 27' 1440p and 144hz got the windows 10 usb 1 tb internal 250 ssd desk for pc and chair for pc use speakers and $70keyboard 60 dollar mice the other parts are at a carry low price and don't think I need to mention them. So yeah it's basically a pc from scratch including the setup . Edit :https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Dreedknight/saved/fTcWZL
  6. I chose that one because it's affordable for me atm I was going to buy the Dell s24 1440p 165hz but it's 400 and only 24 while the one I got is 27' $260 just something I can afford atm since this is going to cost me around 2000 maybe I'll upgrade the monitor later on. Also can you comment on the benchmarks I asked ? What can this run and at what dps on ultra and mid settings?
  7. Please explain further I'm a bit confused?
  8. Hi so I made a build up and was wondering what it could do in terms of benchmarks on ultra and high setting 1080p 144hz thanks ! Would like some input with triple A games and other ones ultra high setting and mid settings . And if you think I can improve it in any way plz tell me so https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Dreedknight/saved/2QvgsY