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  1. Is this a setting inside the tyon driver, games, or windows ? Thanks
  2. Today my Roccat Tyon arrived in the mail and I was very happy with first appearances... Until I plugged it in. After plugging the mouse in, it installed drivers and workered decently with some stutter. I then proceeded to download the "roccat tyon soaftware thing" that lets you customize your macros and leds. Once trying to apply custom settings, the program kept crashing. I eventually fixed this by making an exceptions for the .exe programs that the mice uses to change its settings. This however didn't fix the input lag during games. Bf1 stutters and the macros ive assign to the mouse have to be press multiple times to work, work, or just don't work at all, randomly. When playing gta v I have very "stuttery" gameplay but if I plug my cheap Lenovo mouse in, it goes away instantly. I've tried disabling v-sync and running programs as admins and nothing seems to work. I know it's not my rig specs. im sure it has to do with the mouses hardware/drives/etc. cpu i7600k gpu gtx 1080 ram 32gb