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Everything posted by Demonmit

  1. if there's no article or news about the topic of time of post... what am I supposed to quote? lol
  2. hey, or $20 in store credit! gotta at least acknowledge that, might be able to buy a dirty Xbox 360 controller with that...
  3. Summary Gamestop has recently added PC hardware to their online webstore with mostly Cooler Master products listed for sale for a TBD time, with available dates on a few items being 9/30 and 10/02, a few days from now. There are also several pages of prebuilt gaming PC's available for purchase, with some being set to available 9/30. Quotes My thoughts Gamestop has been clearly on a decline for years, lots of bad press about poor customer experience. Rather interesting to see them start selling PC components and prebuild PC's. I'm not sure what else to think of it? what do you guys think? Sources I have yet to see any articles on this topic, checked google and nothing exists on it yet from what I could see. https://www.gamestop.com/video-games/pc/components https://www.gamestop.com/nav-pc-hardware-desktops
  4. so this is what im working with: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MymT15ou9vSIsMc3jShSfbCg3mp_Gf5EPWAG69aoEbI/edit?usp=sharing It's basically a large profit data sheet from buying items in Runescape from in-game shops and reselling them onto the Runescape Grand exchange market for profit. From looking at the spreadsheet, you can obviously see I'm having issues pulling data from the runescape website with =IMPORTXML. I'm assuming that =IMPORTXML just isnt capable of pulling large amounts of data from a single website all at once. The way that I would think could be a workaround fix for this is to have a second column with "LAST SAVED GE PRICE" along side the =IMPORTXML data of current GE price, so if the current GE price is failing to load, i still have data to use and will not get the #N/A error. Is it possible to do that? and if so, how? The other thing i have realized is if I go in and manually update =IMPORTXML, it will correctly get the data from the website. is there a way to have a system or script to do this on each item once a day? how would I go about doing that if it is possible? thanks for any help you can give me. EDIT: I think i found something that might help me, but I'm definitely way in over my head. http://daviseford.com/blog/2017/05/04/importxml-force-refresh.html http://daviseford.com/blog/2017/06/28/improvements-to-importxml-refresh-script.html but like i said, that is all way over my head and doesn't make one bit of sense to me. if someone knows what all that means, could that possibly work? if it does, could you provide an example and show what I need to change where to make it applicable to my entire spreadsheet?