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  1. omg THIS! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01L0ORH96/ref=twister_B01LWQT9HV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&coliid=I2V9C0YJZXW6X5&colid=17Z3SR4JQ0IRO
  2. I feel like I may have seen a video on this at some point, but I'm struggling to find it. I'm planning on building a mid-tier gaming rig around black Friday (by that time mid-tier graphics cards will hopefully come back to ~MSRP), that will only be used on TVs (I did actually check, and my main TV does actually do 60fps, but no more than that). I was originally looking at 1060/580, but since I'll be capped at 60 fps anyway, would they even be worth it? Of course the higher the settings I can run at, the better.
  3. Thanks for the reply! Sorry I didn't see this sooner, that sounds like a really cool set up. Ideally... yes, although I'm not 100% sure on how I'd make that work yet. Great idea about the hdmi repeater, do you have any recommendations for a good one? I'd like to keep things as high quality as possible since I'm already knocking myself down to HDMI to support TV usage. Haha, yea, I think I'll stick with a 2x HDMI card for the flexibility for my scenario. Although I am patiently waiting for something like a new 580 or 1060 to come back down to MSRP... I could just stop at copying the display to both TVs, but I have the urge to do something... more... just not sure what I can do yet. Both TVs are just on the exact opposite side of the same wall, so it'd seem like a wasted opportunity not to do something more cool.
  4. Thanks to everyone for the responses, it really clarified a lot for me. I think these last few follow-ups will clear up everything for me. 1. That's what I heard but it's all new to me so I appreciate the confirmation. 2. I think I understand but I just gotta make sure, the HDMI out on something like a rx580 outputs audio too? I'm just so used to associating 'only video' to video cards. But that may just be my own misconception. 3. Haha, I appreciate the advice but I have 7 ft HDMI cables through the wall so I can have the PC in the entertainment center and connect to both TVs even though the other one is on the other side of the wall. I was just wondering if I need some obscure audio/video cable arrangement beyond just 2 HDMI cables. 4. Ahhhh OK, thanks for breaking it down for me. Do you think the more expensive board has better audio? I was thinking the optical out on the more expensive board was giving me a clue to that.
  5. Hi everyone, I was thinking of making my first desktop build when I realized something after looking at motherboards..... idk if I'm going to get sound out of my system. I have a few questions so I'm just going to break them down. I'm used to just plugging in a hdmi cable and everything working so I'm hoping that's what this all comes down to. I watch LTT a lot but I don't think I ever saw this addressed. 1. On a Ryzen build, can I just plug in HDMI from the motherboard and expect A/V out the TV? (assuming no graphics card yet, as I'm not buying one until prices come down) 2. If not, wat do? 3. In the future of a Ryzen build with a graphics card, I want to connect to 2 different TVs each with their own audio system (my living room and bed room TVs are on opposite sides of the same wall). This is starting to seem less straight-forward than I originally imagined. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 4. How might the AV setup differ based on these 2 different motherboards? https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813144031&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker, LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID= https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813144047&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker, LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID= Much love, N00b