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Murford's Achievements

  1. Guys, the team broke 1 billion daily points for 3/20. Holy frijoles Batman! Great job everyone!
  2. I've rebooted and my GPU still won't get a project. This seems to happen every few days with me.
  3. We're about to have a new #1. The poet will in fact be legendary.
  4. Got to rank 461 on 461 work units. Thought that was a pretty cool number line up.
  5. If I'm reading this right, it looks like the team could crack the top 10 within 2 months.
  6. I had 776 but not 777 so I'm glad I caught this one. It's lower now because I just passed 11M but the stats board hasn't updated.
  7. Started folding last week on my desktop. Even added my old rx 480 back to it to fold along with my gtx 1080. Now I've also got it set up on my laptop for a few extra thousand points a day.
  8. https://techcrunch.com/2018/02/06/the-nyt-debuts-its-first-augmented-reality-enhanced-story-on-ios/ NYT used AR in a preview of the winter Olympics.
  9. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/02/isps-must-follow-net-neutrality-in-new-jersey-governor-declares/