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  1. I actually plan on using OBD NDI to stream to the secondary computer... more "cost effective" maybe I'm on the wrong forums. And should ask people that are more inclined to help people and actually understand what's being asked. Like maybe the twitch forums or OBS forums... i have ave only ever done limited single pc streaming and have never had many issues but am tired of the performance hit fhat comes along with it.... especially in games that demand a lot out of a CPU (GTA5) im unconcerned with the audio I plan to hook my blue yeti to the streaming machine and call it that... maybe you are on the wrong forum when this is an encoding question not a question about "how to stream" but thanks for your input
  2. I have captur cards it's no issue the question is can I use both my CPU and my gpu In my 2nd computer to encode for obs to twitch
  3. Could I use both???? For encoding on obs or should I use xsplit i want 7700k 1080ti corsair dream machine running games and don't want to take a performance hit trying to encoding my main Also my wife wants to join our streams together and joint stream it should look interesting it using both gpu and CPU for video encoding would get the best of both worlds but how could I do that
  4. I guess I should try both and see what quality I like most
  5. So I have a 2nd computer and it has a gtx 960 and a i5 4460 what would be better for encoding the video to twitch and by how much? anything would help thanks guys and gals and attack helicopters
  6. I'm not delidding it... if it gets extremely hot then yes but I'm only going to push for a 4.5ghz overclock on an H100i https://pcpartpicker.com/list/dYJLTH
  7. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B015YEIBJ8/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1500067100&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=corsair+650w&dpPl=1&dpID=51-tpfa5K9L&ref=plSrch $113.... not only did I save $3 I got 80 plus platinum
  8. So I got a hx1000i from new egg I was originally looking at the rm1000. And saw this for $20-40 cheaper and was like ohh ok. I don't mind refurbished parts... so I ordered it last night then looked on amazon to see if the deal was similar because I work there and get a 10% discount, but turns out the new price for that psu is over $220.... my mouth dropped and I couldn't buy from newegg fast enough
  9. Well I'm doing a huge corsair build the only things not corsair will be the motherboard and the gpu but I do know that corsair is accepted for gigabytes RGB fusion
  10. Ok so I want to get https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N66ZESI/?tag=pcpapi-20 and original wanted the 1080 ti ftw3 card bust started thinking would that hinder the gpu by having a different manufacturer? Or effect things like RGB so I started looking at the gigabyte 1080 ti extreme aorus card, not the prettiest but I'm sure the card would be fine unless you need a aorus mobo then I started looking at the Asus strix 1080 ti and it looks better but I needs help does using a mobo from gigabyte effect your gpu if it's from evga or asus???? HELP!!!!
  11. Well this needs to be over I want to build my rgb dream https://pcpartpicker.com/list/FTksNN and my wife could use a cheap 1070 to go along with her 4790k 4.0ghz