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Thops | Ridiculously Stupid.

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  1. I don't mind OC'ing at all so I'll look into it. I'd be fine waiting for those 5~7 months but if the performance increase will be minimal I might just pull the trigger on a 1000 series card. I'll go and check up on 1070ti prices rn, let's hope miners didn't mess it up...
  2. Greetings friends, My current rig is as follows: 4770K GTX 780 32GB's DDR3 Corsair RM750 I dont feel like upgrading to a newer platform because aside from m.2 support and that sweet RGB there is not much to offer. With that being said I game on a 144hz 1080p panel and my gtx 780 is starting to struggle more and more with the latest and greatest games. I'm aiming for a max settings 1080p 144hz experience. The GTX 1080 (non ti) caught my attention however I am in doubt... Whilst I would LOVE an upgrade right now I can still manage to wait a little bit longer until Volta releases. So with that being said, do you guys think I should purchase the GTX 1080 right now or wait until Volta releases? Thanks in advance and have a great day :).
  3. Why bother buying a GT 1030? Just get the cheapest one, all cards are roughly the same with the 2GB's of GDDR5 and passive cooling.
  4. The PC's you could build for the price of those Macbooks... Those i5's won't render anything at decent speed and you can also forget about gaming, also @Vernw3's Ryzen build is the better option compared to your Intel based build imo. Cheers