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  1. its running windows 10 but the idea is that it will make it easier to use with the remote (something like this: https://www.takealot.com/remote-control-for-pc-laptop-netbook-media-centre-xbmc-powerpoin/PLID38380767?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIv7_Z7YD-1AIVA7XtCh0YVw14EAQYASABEgKcIfD_BwE )
  2. So I have a laptop setup in my bedroom with a remote connected to my TV to stream media e.g. Netflix, Showmax and Youtube I use https://www.youtube.com/tv and I would like to do a similar thing with Netflix and Showmax is there any website for that or some way to download their smart TV counterparts
  3. Is there any official way to find a midpoint in Google Maps e.g. I want to open new offices and I want to see which is the most convenient for everyone to get there, taking into consideration the traffic.