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Everything posted by Konrni

  1. for everything, or will e.g. ram rise in prices because higher demand?
  2. Hi, I'm building a PC and need parts. (True story ) Should i wait till christmas or are they cheaper now? What are your experiences in pricing before/after christmas for a specific part? (e.g buying a case now, on black friday or new year) Got my 2 monitor ~40€ cheaper cause package is damaged. But for a new pc used parts or slightly damaged are off limit, so no outlet or rebuilt shop. PS: No interest in maybe slightly better performance/tech, money rules this build Thanks for your replys
  3. worked in a medical Instrument suppliere there reason for running xp or older is the machines are offline and if they change even a tiny bit in the manufacturing process every health office around the world has too agree or else this product isn't allowed in this country anymore. So something invented ~20 ago is tested with exactly this manufacturing method and so they produce it the same way until no one buys it anymore. Its cheaper too invent a new "toy" and go thru checks than optimize a already qualified process.
  4. @Moderateshadow thanks didn't think was only the production cost @DocSwang thanks so probably its a good core plus no gddr5x thanks for the reply
  5. the last couple of month i heard and read a lot vega is great for mining and thanks too this an can't really afford one. now my question is is it cause of hbm2 memory in vega or is the internal structure with calc cores simply better for mining? I think at some point i read ethereum is more memory demanding in mining than the actual gpu(?) now "if" there would be a vega with gddr5(x) would it still be so great for mining or dos the hbm2 a big thing here? If this topic would be better in another forum please move it.
  6. 1000 sounds like the acer Predator Helios 300, video should come this week. or use something like Geizhals.de (Link is already in google translate and set to English) https://translate.google.de/translate?hl=de&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgeizhals.de%2F%3Fcat%3Dnb NOTE: this site shows prices for the EU and the UK, but for a quick overview it's enough (1€~1.15USD~1.48CAD | 12.07.2017) surely someone will post a link for a site nativ in english.
  7. why repair? Hermes was so kind they upgraded your tempered glass into the new and even better shattered glass. @irony off i think you would be better with a new case, but keep the cables before sending it back, if they don't ask for them.
  8. yeah, was trying some joke like in these nobody movies, Didn't work
  9. ok, now im sure, no need too be paranoid and buy without observe the brand name hope i'm not anyone
  10. ok, then i will say it directly my question wasn't for the best but can i trust seagate again. not offensive, just clarifying thanks
  11. I think so too but hgst is the enterprise name of wd
  12. Hey, some years ago (in "good" old ide time) i got a terrible experience with some seagate drives. For the last years i never buyed on again. Can i buy seagate again and feel safe, s.o. out there with only good experience? To say is, after my switch too WD i never encountered any drive failing or losing data. But this whole seagate promo on ltt makes me think "maybe seagate is better now" so, pros cons?
  13. I would turn them into a storage server, not like a nas 24/7 more like boot up if need access. Got many tb just plane old data i think will never become useful, but still keeping. For me they wouldn't need too perform good, e.g. i got ~120GB of AMV in wqvga@30fps It is a energy waste too have them on a running hdd, but i can't delete them and on hdds lying in my bathroom it wouldn't be good either.
  14. Chrome Tab Monster and UE4 with high res textures, assets for level design. Sure it works with only 32 but it could be a slightly bit smoother. EDIT: note: it's for time killing on a train and if something good comes out it will be continued.
  15. now im sad, hope they will come Thanks for the quick reply.
  16. Just in case, i mean "Laptop-RAM" If they really are 32GB< SO-DIMM modules, can you post a link?
  17. Are there 32GB SO-DIMM RAM Modules out there? Not important if ECC or not.
  18. There are, found some with just your title in my favorite search engine. the problem with these most are passive ones e.g. you got a laser mouse and a RGB keyboard with PS/2 they won't work cause the don't get enough power. More Problems, they might not work with every MB out there because manufactures from adapters mostly don't know how the MB itself detect what signal is for what (mouse or keyboard, left click or f key press), what you said with the data. But for you question, there are! (But they might not work for everyone) If you really need 2 x PS/2 there are ones for USB. or just go with 2 USB devices. I think there is no MB out there which doesn't support USB mouse and keyboard but got a combo PS/2 port, please refute me if there are. -- tl;dr: there are!
  19. If it's in a browser try deinstall it completely and search for the folders containing your browser data. Too find all folders i used "Search Everything" a nice programm workes like windows search index but faster. Go into programs and features, sort after install date, remove suspicious content. Now reinstall you browser. If it worked, thank my magic crystal ball. If it did't we need more info.
  20. could by your upload speed, long time ago (think with utorrent 221) i had the same experience if i restricted my upload speed. Every file worked normal but this one would only download half or 1/4 my max speed. Probably some bug but releasing the restriction solved it. maybe there is another problem, does it show an msg in the overview or peer tab?