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About Gilbernata

  • Birthday Oct 23, 1996

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  • Interests
    Duh! What are we all on this site for??


  • CPU
    AMD A6 APU (overclocked 4GHz)
  • Motherboard
    Gigabyte GA-A75-UD4H
  • RAM
    12GB Crucial Ballistix Tracer
  • GPU
    GTX 660 3GB, GTX 760 4GB, and GTS 8800 512MB
  • Case
    Cooler Master Haf
  • Storage
    Crucial M4 SSD 119GB, WD 160GB HDD, WD 300GB HDD x2
  • PSU
    Cooler Master 550W
  • Display(s)
    x6 LG Flatron displays (bottom 3 in surround)
  • Cooling
    Custom liquid cooling loop (excluding the GTX 660)
  • Keyboard
    Dell Gaming series.
  • Mouse
    CM Storm XORNET
  • Sound
    Sound Blaster LIVE!

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  1. Is it possible to have a bit of redundancy such as a stripe array with my ssds and a hard drive in each stripe (0-1 array)? Sorry this is probably a dumb question. The hdds and ssds aren't the same capacity.
  2. Hello all. I have four older identical 160gb SATA II drives and four identical 32gb ssds. As well I also have two identical 250gb hdds. I have a raid card that supports up to 8 drives. It has 512mb of onboard cache and two batteries. It runs on a pcie x8 lane (which works perfectly fine on a regular x16 lane). My question is, what would be the best possible raid set up with the hardware I have? As a side note I am more in favour of speed over redundancy. So what's the best possible set up for me, with as much storage as possible and as fast as possible? Thanks! Looking forward to hearing your answers.
  3. Oh wow seems like you must have partially installed windows a couple of times eh?
  4. Are you re-installing Windows 7 each time you boot up your pc?
  5. I tried that 4 port pcie x1 adapter and it works flawlessly!! Thank you for all your support guys it was much appreciated!
  6. Anyone with more DIY experience than I? (I am a complete noob so the answer is yes of course!). I require some assistance with what i wish to do as a cool project. I do archery at my archery club every weekend. Ive been thinking of some neat tech related ideas for my bow, one of them being an arrow countdown. What i wish for the outcome of this project to be is... -A small digital display attached to my bow shows the current amount of arrows I have in my quiver. ("Quiver": Basically a belt made to hold your arrows) -Lets say I have 6 arrows in my quiver. -I take a shot at a target with my bow, the bowstring triggers a small switch which changes the amount of arrows displayed on the digital display from 6, to 5. -I shoot again, the display will show i only have 4 arrows now, and i shoot again, 3, again 2, again 1, again 0... -Reaching zero (0) will trigger a red LED to come on as extra warning that I have no more arrows left. -After I have shot all 6 of my arrows and the display reads zero (0) I will walk out to the target to retrieve my arrows. The display will read zero (0) until I press a reset switch on the bow. -When i press the reset switch it automatically brings my arrow count back up to six (6) -I also want the option to increase or decrease the number of arrows I have. So lets say I add 2 more arrows to my quiver, giving me a total of 8 arrows. I would need a switch for increasing my arrow count on the display, and i would also need a switch for decreasing my arrow count on the display. This will be best if i could get it all to work off of a 9V battery power source. If someone is experienced in DIY projects like this and can help me out here it will be greatly appreciated. What would be really useful to me is a list of components i would need and possibly a wiring diagram if you would be so kind. Thank you in advance for your knowledge and any help you can offer.
  7. Ahh ive heard about this, they arent exactly... err the same as what i have just posted. That agp card has a regular cpu and ram not gpu and vram
  8. If there is a new version of this that runs on pcie x16 that would be awesome because it will improve processing power and also give you more ram.
  9. Is there such thing as a daughterboard like this available for purchase today?
  10. Bingo. I will use one of these: And plug one of these babies in: Instant 5870 crossfire Whatcha think??
  11. I will connect them up to my 6 monitor set up to the DP ports (the DVI ports are used by my desktop PC)
  12. Its been done many times, just youtube or google external gpu on laptop.