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  1. Does anyone have any predictions if/when recent cards used for cryptocurrency mining will return to less extreme prices?
  2. I own an LG 29UB55 for video consumption and gaming. I'm confused on what my monitor's actual refresh rate is. new egg states it has a horizontal refresh rate of 50 - 75 Hz and a verticle refresh rate of 30 - 90 kHz. I use a DisplayPort cable (not sure what gen.) Thanks, I'm noob.
  3. Thanks! any recommendations for a used card that could get me 1070 results (other than a 1070)
  4. I have a budget of around $1000 for an upcoming PC build. Here are the components (i already have an SSD); AMD Ryzen 5 1500X (stock cooler) MSI B350 TOMAHAWK ATX AM4 Motherboard Corsair Vengence LED Ram (2x8) @ 3000 NZXT S340 EVGA NEX 650W 80+ gold certified power supply Super necessary NZXT Aer RGB fans What do you guys think? I'm stuck between a Strix 1060,1070, RX 480 or even Cross-Fire 480s. Should I just wait for new cards this year? I'm newb