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  1. They are E5 2675 V3, you can put them on dual cpu motherboard. They will give you 32 cores and 64 threads. They run very cool even 100% load.
  2. Hi, I have used xeons for sale. I want to know if it's safe to put them on ebay? Will price them 500$ each.
  3. No, I want to place it behind the glass like this https://www.google.co.th/search?q=inwin+909&rlz=1C1CHBF_thTH701TH701&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBjvXUvYDUAhWCM48KHdE7CYcQ_AUIBigB&biw=1920&bih=925#imgrc=zkRS9JkGsA-0uM:
  4. Has anyone successfully made a DIY acrylic plate for this case? I just want to add some custom plate on upper area but not sure the exact measurement for it. I'm not very good at measuring this of stuff. Thank you.
  5. What is a better rgb strip than NZXT Hue+ now? This product has been around for quite long time, may be there is already a better alternative already?
  6. Hi guys, I took a risk and left them dry for 3-4 days since tuesday. I couldn't remember. I did it with 3 casefans. apparently 2 of 3 still work, and another one just spin for like a second and then stop. I reboot my pc again and it spins like 2-3 seconds at full speed and then spin like 50-100 rpm per second. But my fan controller couldn't detect it. Will dry it another 3-4 days perhaps this would help.
  7. Just bought NZXT LX, but apparently all my fans noctua AF 3000PWM are 4 pins. What should I do now? Thanks.
  8. Just finished resident evil 7. It was a good game, but it was extremely short. 8 hours. I love witcher 3 much more. Better story and gameplay. And stardew valley is better than resident evil 7. I just got bored with it too. I dont want to replay re7, it is so stressful. Want something new. Really sitting here in my room and really have no idea which game to play and worth my money, I also tired of online game like infestation, h1z1 and stuffs. Is there a better game than witcher 3, stardew valley or resident evil 7 right now? It can be any genre.
  9. It's a really good motherboard, I love it so far. Very industrial looking. I have seen that page on my manual. I have installed 3 pins wire on PLED1, there is no other PLED 2 pins so far. There is only SPEAKER, RESET and MLED left which I'm not sure if either of these one will work I dont want to risk frying my motherboard.
  10. But there is only a slot for 3 pins power led, I cant find another slot for 2 pins one
  11. Hello, I just bought inwin 909 and just finished my build. I have problem with led bar and start button. Everything else, usb ports audio ports work fine. But I'm unable to turn on/off or switch the lighting option on led bar as she has demonstrated here in this video on 0:50 mark I can't also turn my pc on with power button. I can only turn it on and off by switching power button on PSU. What have I missed here? But this might be the case, because it does come with 2 POWER LED wires. One with 3 pins and one with 2 pins. Is this causing the problem? because I can only plugged in 3 pins on PLED slots and I cant find other Power LED 2 pins slot on my Asus Z10PED8WS motherboard Here is the manual of Asus Z10PED8WS on page 2-43 and I plugged in 3 pins led power wire on slot n.1 in there and can't find a slot of 2 pins. http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/Socket2011-R3/Z10PE-D8_WS/Manuals/E12539_Z10PE-D8_WS_UM_V5_WEB.pdf?_ga=2.137729456.1430019206.1495109219-1657332030.1482520462 If you can address the issue I will be very appreciated. Thank you.
  12. Thanks, I will try delta's. Havent heard of the company before.