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  1. Oh man you have no idea how are stuff handled here, its all the same
  2. Turkish Airlines. I read that it has to to with the airport not the airline though.
  3. I would very much be interested in it! Thank you so much
  4. So there is a new "carry on luggage ban" that has taken place. http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/3/21/15000424/laptop-ban-us-airports-muslim And unfortunately, I'm in one of those banned airports :(. I was going to buy a small roller bag take my PC to carry on but looks like that won't be happening right now. Here is my partlist: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/xG438K Now how do you suggest I take my pc with me on plane? 1) Remove all the components and place them in their original packaging and take them as a carry on (Dont know if individual parts are banned) 2) Remove Gpu/ cpu cooler, put those on original packaging, and hand it over to the TSA to place it inside a "checked baggage" which will eventually go to the luggage compartment. (AKA PC meeting its demise) So what do you guys suggest? Thanks for your time.