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Ratiofarming's Achievements

  1. Apart from the List not giving much details, especially on timings for RAM, GPU cooling etc. this looks pretty good. The motherboard is a little on the cheap side, but as long as you don't OC (or just a little) it'll be fine. Looks like a good config overall. PSU is sufficient, cooling should be fine. Good to go
  2. I don't get why my client accepts them then. If my GPUs are bad for a project, assign that to a GPU that's good at it. In the end they're trying to get real work done, might as well do that as efficiently as possible.
  3. I don't really understand why some projects give so much less. Aren't the points just a thing to gamify this anyways. In that case they should be linear with the amount of work put in.
  4. I kinda missed this event, so I can't officially participate. But I just happened to have some nice hardware for benchmarking, so I figured I'll put some WUs in for the LTT team. I might just make it to top 10 https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_summary.php?s=&u=827577
  5. For maxing out games at near maximum details on a 120hz screen. They look beautiful and run smooth af ... I have no problem fully utilizing a high-end GPU with a 1080p screen.