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o0NotSoToxicPoisoN0o's Achievements

  1. "I suppose that quintessentially it comes down to whether or not you are happy with simply being mediocre at best." - These words I've been needing to hear!! You just gave me fire m8, Thanks! Of course I don't want to suck at programming but how can I get better? How did you begin? What did you do?
  2. 1. Duly noted. 2. I've tried IntelliJ before however it looks so complicated for me to use, I am beginner programmer (and not a smart one ). Is there a website you can recommend where I can view all the java syntax there is and also very well organized and easy to navigate? My java vocabulary isn't that good.
  3. Hey dude Tnx for replying. I already have the class for the moves and arguments for it. Its just the loop part and file read commands I get stuck on . I would love to see that program you mentioned, maybe i could get some ideas from it, even if its in C#.
  4. Hey guys I have an assignment from school. Its a program that animates some shapes, I have to create a small program to read a "script" from a file. I already know how to get java to scan a file and look for strings and numbers however I don't know how to make a "while" loop to make java read all the data from the file. How do you make java remember and or let you know what line its are on when reading a file? I've attatched a photo of what my code looks like at the moment, I hope you guys can help. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hey I'm looking for a duo queue partner to play as adc for me, I main support (thresh and leo) role and currently in Silver 5. I play in OCE server so somewhere around Australia and NZ. If you're interested add me DiE2LivE. Thanks
  6. Looking for a good team to climb rank. Add me DiE2LivE
  7. Hey guys, This is just a general question, how you go about designing a program. I am doing an assignment for university which involves writing code in java to make small projects like a mini calculator, a flag drawer, etc. My questions are how do you guys think about building a program? What questions do you ask yourself when making it? Do you just get it like a lightbulb moment in the movies? Im using BlueJ IDE btw. I know about a program known as "Scratch". I really like how it visually shows statements and commands, is there an IDE like that but for java? Also if you guys have any tips and tricks involving java and java IDE id like to know them please. Thank you!
  8. Theres a guy on facebook selling an old Core 2 extreme x9650 cpu for $80, do u think that would be a good substitute?
  9. Hi, I've been asked to upgrade my friend's brother's PC. Its one of those standard office ones. He has a Core 2 duo vpro cpu. He wants to be able to play Overwatch on it. My questions are, is it worth it to just install a low profile gpu like gtx1050? Or should i rebuild him a better one from scratch? Will installing a newer gpu to an older build cause bottlenecks? Am i stupid to think this would work?
  10. can you explain to me in English what this code is saying to java?
  11. If so then I need help, I need to make a date validator for school. What it should do: 1. Ask for Day, Month and Year. 2. Prints Valid for valid dates ie. 12/02/1995 3. Identify if a specific date is a leap year. my problem is I dont know how to tell java to identify it a a leap year. what equation to use and stuff... Im using a compiler called BlueJ Thanks in advance
  12. How much is a mint condition R9 290x in the markets today? Selling in NZD so USDx1.5
  13. So this week I was trying to sell my GPU Windforce R9 290x. When I removed it from my MOBO and start the pc with integrated MOBO video output, i hear vigorous beeping from inside my system. When I put it back in everything is normal. I never changed anything in my bios as far as I know but the previous owner might have.
  14. how much better is 4560 to 4400 in terms of price difference, 4560 is $5> 4400
  15. Hi Im trying to build a PC for my friend's brother. It has to play Overwatch, League of Legends and Counter Strike with atleast 80 fps on max settings. Budget is as low as possible but using new components for warranty purposes. What my initial build was get Intel G4400 cpu, with an RX460 or GTX 1050, all the others are "fill". I was thinking about using an AMD APU aswell to maybe save money on GPU(not sure if it is a good idea). At the moment this build is about $720NZD maybe around $500USD I use this website to buy components but if you guys can recommend any other ones(preferably from New Zealand) i'd like to know about them maybe I can get a better deal. https://www.pbtech.co.nz/