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  1. Thanks, herman, yes this is planned for editing, stream, gaming. I don't plan to overclock as I see no point at all. It would only decrease the lifespan of the CPU. The H100iv2 seems perfect to me, also AUS prices have heavily impacted this build.
  2. Hey, folks, I'm spending $2000 on a PC, I am very happy with all of my parts, color scheme. It would just help my crippling anxiety if more knowledgeable folks would take a gander at what I have chosen, if anything is questionable, or compatibility issues that need to be pointed out that would be awesome. https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/8kxxNN FYI: I intend to upgrade to a crossfire RX 480 in the near future, as well as another 16gb of RAM, hence the 850-watt power supply. (Is this enough power for the system if I upgrade?) Cooling will be 3x120mm fans (pulling) 1x140mm fan (pushing) and the H100i v2 on the top of the case. (I don't know if the H100i should pull or push air in-out of the case). Thank you in advance for any input.