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  1. Looking for a Motherboard for the 2700x with a 5v add header.
  2. Thanks dude i think i might go for the ballistix 2666mhz ram but these rgb will add soul to me build.
  3. Will this ram and and motherboard work? Specifically can this mobo change the colors on the ram? https://pcpartpicker.com/list/HjWzqk
  4. Will I be able to switch my ram color with this mobo? It says ram supports Asus sync or something. Do I have to get a different Mobo? https://pcpartpicker.com/list/477DKB
  5. Will a ssd cause my pc build to run faster? What the fastest ssd under say 150 give 3 options please.
  6. ok So how important is gpu? There will be editing/productivity.
  7. how much better is the 2700x?
  8. Um 500-800 i guess
  9. Attending college for Digital media and im taking a website development and photoshop class what specs for a pc build do i need? I also plan on doing youtube so i will be recording HD with a elgato(ps4). Which part is most important for multitasking? I picked up a 1950x for $410usd but im selling it the MOBO prices are ridiculous. Also i prefer to go AMD route. Any upcoming sales?
  10. If that's the case I may oc my cpu but not till my build is stable. I was asking about the ram because I heard that 1950x and its boards are quad channel up to 6 channel and would suffer a performance drop is I used 2 ram instead of the 4 ram sticks
  11. OK THANKS! ALSO I don't want to oc so should I get 2666mhz 4x4gb or 2x8gb ram?
  12. So what GPU should I get to get best performance? AND no oc.
  13. So which gpu wont bottleneck? The cheapest one?