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Everything posted by GKliveGAMING

  1. I also had to stop my amazon unlimited, amazon prime, roosterteeth, youtube red and I think I skipped my internet bill that month lol
  2. I didn't know where to put this, but I figured I would just put it here and hope Luke or Linus or someone happen to stumble upon it. I used to watch LTT everyday. I decided to subscribe on Floatplane as soon as it was here on the forum and everything. Then I stopped watching every video, every day. However, I continued to pay for Floatplane. My credit card information was compromised, I had to change my pay pals and cancel on my subscriptions a couple times (once I skipped a month just so I could afford rent), but even after I would cancel I would come back and be eager to pay for Floatplane as soon as I could. The video looks amazing, the website works amazingly, the video player blows my mind. I pay every month, hardly being able to afford it sometimes, because this project needs to be supported and there need to be more sites like Floatplane. If you guys can get a good auto-play algorithm like YouTube, I would never watch anything else. Sincerely, Another Luke
  3. But its not about the monitors it is about the pixel count.
  4. Okay... so Project Valerie is three 4K screens. On their website they advertise that as "12K." But, 4K = 4 1080p monitors. 8K = 4 4K monitors. SO HOW COULD THAT POSSIBLY BE 12K?!