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Everything posted by theminnesotanman

  1. I do plan on getting a 1080 ti. I am going with an aio (h100iv2 or h80iv2) and yes the 650w is fine for my build because on pcpartpicker it's max was around 345w.
  2. the fact of the matter is. I dont really want all that. If i can just get basic good audio thats all im after. I have looked at the at2020 and and the scarlet solo already and i just dont feel like spending that mcuh ona mic and audio interface as well as a boom arm.
  3. also i would prefer a 144hz monitor. I play lots of fps games and would like the faster refresh rates.
  4. So as of now biostar has the only itx mobo for am4. Is there any new on other ones coming out?
  5. why a 1080ti? plus in a small formfactor case the airflow isnt the greatest...
  6. As the title states i was wondering if the mod mic 5 is any good? I have heard good things about it but will it give good audio for streaming purposes. If it matters i will be putting it on either the ATH-m50x's or the ATH-m70x's.
  7. I want to do light streaming. i know it probably wont take off or anything but i wanted to go with this build. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/HPPQ2R Id prefer intel because of the overall better gaming performance. I think this would be enough to stream at an acceptable bit rate and have an overall good looking stream! I have thought about ryzen and i have done in and out research on this. I really would like to have it be ina smaller form factor. The jist of my question is, is this good enough for streaming and is this an overall good system for gaming. (Lets just say a balance of streaming and gaming). I am willing to move another $100-150 on the current price (I work for bestbuy so some of the prices are a little less, such as the 7700k) But from the current price i would go up to an extra $150 to get the best system for the job i need.
  8. this is exactly what is was thinkng. i will wait and see. who knows maybe prices of all the 6800ks and 6850ks, etc will go down.
  9. I will be building my computer around mid juneish and i was wondering if i should go for the intel 6800k or the 1700x or wait and see what intel has to bring with the x299 platform with the kabylake and skylake x.
  10. i was able to just vigorously rub it against my mousepad which wore it down just enough. works perfectly now!
  11. I just bought the rival 700 mouse and was wondering. I can feel the rubber from the connector catching the mousepad. Was wondering if this is normal when its new or if this is not normal.
  12. Want a keyboard that's good quality and will last a long time. also want good customization for the rgb.
  13. Coming this june i will be starting to stream and i want to sound proof my room. My room is basically a giant square room (by giant i mean roughly 12' by 12') I want to sound proof it to stop my voice from bouning but there are many different kinds of acoustic panels. What would be the best for my situation?
  14. Ive been hearing lately that benq panels have better color than the asus counter parts. Is this true? Ive been looking at getting a new 24 inch 1080p monitor and have it down between a Benq Zowie 24 inch monitor https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824014576&cm_re=benq_monitor_144hz-_-24-014-576-_-Product and the Asus http://www.bestbuy.com/site/asus-mg248q-24-3d-led-fhd-monitor-black/5707937.p?skuId=5707937 If you have any monitor recommendations my budget is max at $400.
  15. I wear glasses so not very, Roughly about 2 feet away is how far id be sitting.
  16. I am looking at the at2020 xlr mic and the scarlet solo pre amp.
  17. What is a monitor that you'd recommend at 1440p, 144hz, and 27in thats less than $450?