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Everything posted by Avve1000

  1. I recall having simular in school when i was younger but I just dont know the name of them!
  2. Hello! This is an old headset, atleast 10 years old. Im having a hard time identifying what headset it is, i find similar headsets but not a perfect match. The question/task/challange is: What headset is he using in this photo? People from Sweden/Norway and maybe even Denmark may know who this guy is but anyone else surely wouldnt know. In Sweden he is a well-known comedian. I think its Parasonic or Sennheiser but thats all I got. If you want to see more angles mute and look at this video, its a comedy sketch made to look like news. //Thanks You wont really win anything, but if you know your headsets you might enjoy a challange.
  3. I played on a server before with some friends but as we progressed we realized that we didnt have all the mods we wanted but they didnt want to restart from scratch so we just stop playing entirely Thats not too expensive, where are you renting yours from?
  4. I wish I had my own Tekkit server, man id learn Java only to mod it and add new intresting mechanics
  5. But Tekkit died? Are there anyone still playing "Attack of the b-team"? Hexxit? I mean it seems like FTB is the soul survivor?
  6. They had some nice launchers, all of them needed some design work ofcourse. Well you gotta be happy about the small updates they do implement, feels like theres no updates at all anymore. Dead game?
  7. On the "Latest Updates" page it says that the official servers a taken down for 2.0 Then they link this https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/tcr-20.930507 Ill definitely check it out! Where do you launch it from? Are you playing on singleplayer or with friends on multi?
  8. ah man, thats painful same error code Whats this TCR 2.0? and where can I get my hands on it, cant find it in the launcher?
  9. Ill try it out! can you play with other people or is it limited to singleplayer?
  10. I tried first typing Tekkit reborn and now copy paste. still same error
  11. Yeah you are right but when i think of a mod then I think of a modpack then ofcourse there are induviduall mods aswell Intresting concept! Skyblock is when you live on a little block/platform and is going to survive there. Is skyfactory the same but with factories?
  12. How are the servers? Are there any recommendations for servers? For some reason I cant install the mod? Its says: Got it set up on 16gb
  13. Hello everyone! While I was growing up Minecraft was blooming up like nothing before, and one day I got to school and my friend told me about this brand new mod where you could build nuclear reactors or major factories! Everyone knows what minecraft is, go around gathering blocks to improve your chances of survival, and when you get to that point you can kill end dragon or build amazing structures. Usually people just kill some poor villagers, burning up their houses and leaves the game for a few months. But this mod was something new and so great i played for days on. Then i got griefed and now 5 years later im feeling nostalgic about it. Now seeing this mod dead I just cant feel sorry enough, it really was a good mod. Did you ever find or played Tekkit in it glory days? Are you still playing? Any recommendations for servers? Anyone that knows Java intrested in updating the mod to the latest patch?
  14. Finally we can put a stop to it! Fuck EA they are trash, DICE are such a great game developer but because of EA they have gotten so much bad credit...
  15. Id say get samsung ssd, get 2tb instead of 1tb, otherwise its guud
  16. Well their games aint getting better, so the reasons for us to buy their games are running out. They will be forced to do what we want to do.
  17. Its a beautiful game and its so good its amazing how well done it is. Waaay before its time
  18. lol why tho? could be some old kind of "gaming optimizing" still seems like a far fetched conclusion
  19. put the game on windowed mode and then try
  20. Maybe it refigures itself depending on what program you are running. Try having cs:go on and then change the Hz