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  1. I was curious to see what is some good cleaning software that is safe to use and will help my computer perform better.
  2. So, i just played a game, and the clock speed of the gpu was at around 660-900 and it was only 900 a few times. And the cpu usage is around 30-40%, so it seems i need to raise those standards and I don't know how. And ohsnaps, i wasn't even thinking about that, that makes sense, but I still think i should be getting more than I am now in this easy going game.
  3. So i just purchased a asus gtx 1060 6 gb off amazon, and I have tried planetside 2 and dishonored and both run really nicely, but when I tried league, im am only getting about 90-100 fps. I know I sound greedy, but I think i should be at least getting 200-250 range. My other specs are AMD 8320 cpu, EVGA 650 watt PSU, 16 gb RAM, 2 TB hardrive from Toshiba. If there are any specs I missed, feel free to ask.