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  1. I'm using a DVI-D dual link cable and have multiple HDMI cables laying around unused. Would it be worth it to just switch it out for a HDMI? I'm using a 1080p 144hz setup and don't know what version HDMI's I have on hand. Not interested in buying display port quite yet.
  2. So this link is my build I currently have. I'm wanting to upgrade my graphics card to a 1080Ti I've already been looking around. But is there any other part of my PC I should upgrade before purchasing the new GPU? Just wondering if my motherboard Would limit how it performs or any other part in my PC. Thanks! https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/BkxNtJ
  3. would an I7-7700k be more recommend for gaming over the ryzen1700x? I was going to OC the ryzen to a stable 3.9ghz. Updated build:https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/Msf4kT
  4. Also would an I7-7700k be more recommend for gaming over the ryzen1700x? I was going to OC the ryzen to a stable 3.9ghz. Updated build:https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/Msf4kT
  5. Yeah I had the 1000psu because of what I used to have in the build but I forgot to change it down to a 550. But lmao I didn't even look at the RAM it's ddr4 now
  6. Just looking for a compatible Motherboard, preferably black and gold, but black works too. https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/RRyBHN
  7. Yeah I'm just looking for a 1080p 144hz computer that can run games on max settings
  8. My budget is 1600$CAD with tax. I want a water cooled cpu and a maximum 1080p build.This is all for the PC no need for monitor or anything else
  9. Just the tower for now, I can buy the monitor later same with keyboard and and mouse. But thanks!