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Baking Pancake

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  1. Unfortunately I do not have a gpu just laying around lmao but I'm going to a friends house who lives like 1 min away from me to see if my pcie slot if broken hopefully, if the same thing happens to his pc then my gpu is dead RIP he has a strix 1070 and its not gonna fit in my PC unless I remove the bays
  2. It won't even boot, it just stuck on a black screen ._.
  3. It's a strix 970 and when I put it in it just stays on 100% fan speed and doesn't boot, but when I take it out and plug in my HDMI to my mobo for igpu it boots normally. Help plos I WANNA PLAY OW t
  4. Alright sweet thanks ! One last thing, when I start spraying do I do it inside ( my garage ) or outside ( my patio )?
  5. I'm thinking of disassembling the whole card so it'll be easier and looks nicer
  6. So I'm thinking of doing it, I'm going to be spray painting most of the GPU, backplate, shroud and maybe the logo on the side but probably not since I'm going for a black/red theme. before I do it what kinda spray paint I need? I'm thinking of just plasti dipping the whole thing and see how it turns out. anything I should look out for as well?