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  1. haha couldn't agree more with you. I'm using a 2015 macbook pro linked with my Iphone 6s and my apple watch. As it was mentioned above the ability to have everything together is great. When I was referring to everything working together that wasn't exactly what I meant, With my apple products I can use handy features like handoff that allow me to begin typing something on for example my mac book then being able to swipe up right off my lock screen and keep going on my iphone with no interruption and no drop. Or the lovely Icloud linking for your features like Keynote pages and Numbers where like with handoff, everything is everywhere you would possibly need it to be
  2. Yeah I get where you are coming from, I'm not exactly sure what microsoft has to offer as far as bringing your devices together but I just love the feeling of having everything that I'm working on or using wherever I need it to be when I need it to be
  3. Fair enough Fair enough, I won't sit here arguing for apple because that wasn't my intent I wanted to see how some others saw it, but I feel like if Windows had that same feeling of continuity that you experience with the apple family of products.
  4. can understand your dislike for them. It took me awhile to warm up to it myself but, once you set everything up the way you want the feeling of starting a task on one device and being able to pick it up right again on a different one is a beautiful thing
  5. Well Hello there, I'm new to the LTT Forums and when I linked my steam account I didn't realize it would not let me actually put in my name but I'm Camden but I usually go by Cam. Basically I didn't know how to make a video suggestion but maybe they are planning something like this already but I wanted to know your opinion on the "Apple Ecosystem " ( I'm sorry pc fans ) I recently completed my apple "family" with having my mac, Ipad, watch and of course Iphone. Personally although most dislike the high price tag and " useless features " I've been quite enjoying the features that bring all of my devices together. I'd love to see a video about all of it working cohesively but for now I just thought I'd ask for your opinions.