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  1. You can always try moving the hard drive over and see if it boots. You can also see if Linux Mint or Ubuntu would fill in your needs.
  2. If your CPU is hitting a 100% and getting frame dips in the games that you play than you might want to upgrade your CPU. They aren't bad on ebay. 4670, 4670k, 4690, 4690k, 4770, 4770k, 4790, 4790k, probaby whichever is cheapest.
  3. I'm going to throw my hat into the ring and suggest possibly getting a used iMac, if she really just wants the interface than Elementary OS (http://elementary.io/) has a really nice looking knockoff OSX interface and it should be able to do pretty much whatever she wants it to do. Like many before me have mentioned, make sure it either has and SSD or you are able to/willing to put one in. Hybrid drives generally have the same issues as HDDs because their cache isn't big enough to cover all the basic needs and the algorithms aren't that great.
  4. I guess I should be a little more thorough. 1. Out of all the criteria, official LineageOS support is the easiest list of phones to start off my search. It is just a matter of going to the website and looking at the list of supported devices. I know hope that the supported devices will get consistent OS upgrades so they won't have to worry about their phone getting outdated because the manufacturer or carrier is too cheap or lazy to push updates. It just recently happened to one of my family members and I would like to prevent it in the future. 2. I weed out all the deal-breaking phones, it varies person to person. For me, I wanted a phone with USB type-c, top of the line SOC, local LTE support. I ended up picking an Axon 7. For the prior-mentioned relative, it needed to be less than $50. I recommended a used Nexus 4, Moto G, or Galexy s3.
  5. How do you guys decide on a new phone? I've jumped on LineageOS and now I run their supported devices list through what features and price-points I or the person I'm recommending (people how I can get access to install LineageOS onto their phones) needs.
  6. arirr

    Rapid Clicking

    It is perfectly normal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repetitive_strain_injury
  7. arirr

    Rapid Clicking

    I've tried various auto clicking software, but I can't figure out how to bind it to start when I click down and stop when I release like a fully automatic gun. I also want to be able to bind a keyboard shortcut that turns it on and off. I can bind a key to rapidly click, but all the solutions I have found has been designed for games like cookie clicker that just require a lot of clicking without requiring as much control over on and off cycling. It doesn't help if I need to hit a keyboard shortcut whenever I want to use a Jacobs weapon.
  8. arirr

    Rapid Clicking

    Does anyone here know a way to have my mouse click rapidly while holding down click rather than hold click? I don't want to hurt my hand from repeated clicking for semi-automatic weapons in Borderlands 2. Xubuntu 16.04
  9. i put 2 4 gb sticks of ddr3 into a friends macbook pro and it wouldn't post, i take out a 4 gb and put back one old 2 gb and it boots, i try just booting it with one 4 gb and it doesn't post, i try an 8 gb stick which apple says isn't supported and it works fine, this thing will work with any ram i tried as long as one of the original sticks is in there
  10. thank you, it probably uses eDP if it is just those 2 standards. I tried to use an old macbook pro (core 2 duo) screen, but it used a different connector. If there is a decent chance that it might be usable later it is worth keeping. The Dell has USB 3.0 so it's not that old.
  11. Pics or it didn't happen? btw already took the broken screen off
  12. one is a dell something i cant find it because the screen is broken, i don't have an external, and the stickers are missing