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  1. Everything was fine last night came home today turn on and got this can anyone help please 3600 b550 2060 msi
  2. Thank you guys both i wasn’t sure what it was called that’s all I know stuff like that is out that like GeForce stuff but yeah thank you
  3. Msi b450 motherboard ryzen 3600 lpx ram 2070 I got my b450 motherboard Newegg and they must of updated the board but it’s still on an older bios I think I can’t seem to get the WiFi to work but I got window install and haven’t got around to plugging in ethernet cord to try and figure anything out is there a free software I can download that will find what updates I need ? To make things easy ? If anyone knows where I can find something like this please let me know took me forever to get this going and don’t want to mess up anything so I’m asking before I go about doing thank you
  4. Pc part picker keeps giving me this message,looking for a power supply to go with ryzen 5 3600 msi 2070 trio b450 msi gaming pro carbon adata or Samsung ssd cuda 2tb later vengeance lpx 3000 kit please help if anyone can please
  5. Thank you I haven’t bought the Vr set yet so I didn’t know they have longer cables this is good news for me shipping around for a case will be easier
  6. I still have just looking around to see what’s out there looking to put together living room type pc so far I order msi b450 gaming carbon and lpx 3000 ram hoping to have enough to get ryzen 3600
  7. I know it will not make my gaming pc better but is there a case you guys would pick for a Vr build maybe for like easier setup because of front panel io or am I just over think it my old pc case the S340 elite on website said it had hdmi with vr support and that why I was wondering what you guys think :) thank you you for reading and replying :)
  8. Thank you for video link :) will give it a watch and I’m looking to maybe put a 2070 inside i know it will run most and all of the shooters I play because my 1060 is still doing alright but this build is for a family room Vr game
  9. That’s good to know thank you I have a fry’ electronics and bestbuy
  10. I only wanted to avoid it because I don’t have a last gen Amd cpu to do the update and in fear I could mess something up I’m an still learning
  11. Hello everyone looking to get a Amd Cpu but want to avoid bios update but not sure what motherboard to buy Im looking at the Amd Ryzen5 2600 or Ryzen 5 3600 witch ever one is newer the pc is for Vr gaming please help
  12. Oh sweet I was a bit confused because the box didn’t say it but thank you for clearing that up
  13. Hey everyone looking to put a parts list together for a friend of mines for his 9 year old son looking to VR game and I noticed on the new 2070 Graphics Cards it dosent say VR ready like the gtx cards did can someone help me understand please