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  1. You should really not worry about burn in if you use the pixel refresher and panel refresh at the recommended interval. That's especially true if you're getting an alienware monitor, with their 3 year burn in included warranty. I have the AW3423DW and after about a year it has no noticable burn in, only when I look for it and look at a 5% gray picture there is a bit of burn in on the sides (past the 16:9 borders), probably because I use it for 16:9 content. Shouldn't be a problem for a 16:9 monitor. Oled is great and this generation of monitors, I think, is the generation to buy. If you're patient wait for other monitors of the same panel to compare to (but they won't have burn in included warranty).
  2. Going from 175 to 240 doesn't seem like a justified jump to me. Also from what I've seen the 240hz are the WOLED which, while I haven't tried them, I don't prefer over QD-OLED because of the color accuracy and the gainy matte coating. Might just keep my aw3423dw for another generation or two until the jump is more justified. thanks!!
  3. I have a 34" ultrawide (aw3423dw), and I really like it for singleplayer games that support ultrawide, but for more competitive games and for general 16:9 content consumption (youtube), I'd like to get a faster 16:9 monitor (aw2725df). I would like to have those monitors side by side (one main monitor in the center and the other one to the left of it), and swap them whenever I want (for instance I'm watching some 16:9 videos so my main monitor is the 27" and I want to play games now so I use the arm to swap between the monitors to have the ultrawide in the center and the 27" to the left). Is there a monitor arm that would allow me to do that? Because each monitor has its strengths and I'd love to be able to swap between them accordingly.
  4. note: by 2K i mean 1440p. I have the PG279Q (2k 144hz (165hz oc) 5ms ips) that I bought a long time ago, and new monitors came out since then and I'd like to get a new 2K monitor that supports HDR and has better performance for FPS games (ow, valorant...). After doing a bit of searching, I'm thinking of getting the Samsung Odyssey G7 (the 2k 240hz one) because of its good reponse time and decent HDR. But I saw some monitors are about to come out which are 2K, 300Hz and HDR1000. The problem is that I have no idea when they will release. Do you have any recommendations for a monitor that is better for my needs? Is there any info on when the 2K 300Hz HDR1000 monitors will come out, and will they be worth the wait relative to the G7? My budget is as much as I need to get the best 1440p monitor that meets my needs. thanks!
  5. The max temp is 96 degrees, and it was hovering around 92 when running the test... Is that "low, but good"?
  6. I got my pc last week and I planned to overclock it, which is why I got the H170i, but I'm getting these temps with stock clocks after running cinebench (the right side is the max temps): So I can't move my clocks even an inch if I don't want to hit over 100 degrees. even 96 is REALLY high. Is there anything I can do? Is it supposed to hit these temps? I've tried lowering the voltage but I couldn't get under static 1.25V and -0.08V offset (a lower offset leads to a crash) which got me to around 84 degrees max, which still seems really high and I don't think I can overclock with these temps. Any help/suggestions are appreciated.
  7. But memory isn't everything. as the person above you said by the time 12GB isn't enough, my GPU will probably not be enough in terms of raw performance. I think by that point I'd have to upgrade my GPU if I want good performance on high settings regardless of how much VRAM it has. I get your point though that you want to expect the worst, but with 620$ I don't think it's worth it, i guess i'm more 'expected value' oriented than worse case. I think I could save the difference (about 400$ with the upgrades I made), and start saving up until the day comes where I'll have to upgrade, and whether it be GPU power or VRAM shortage, I think those 400$, with some saving up, will probably give me the money I need to upgrade.
  8. @Acid Panda@AaralliWhat do you think of this build? With the 3080Ti + bigger storage + better motherboard for more USB ports + better memory (the price where I buy it is still cheaper for this build, despite what the site says): https://pcpartpicker.com/user/doximanman/saved/cwrDjX @Hybris5112I think these minor improvements are probably better than the minor improvement that I'll get in 4 years from the 3090, no? The price difference is 620$ (where I buy it) between the 3080Ti and 3090. Is it really worth to assume that the market shortage wouldn't get any better by then? Prices are already starting to go down.
  9. I have a 4TB HDD that I'll be using from my old PC. I forgot to mention that so I just edited the main post.
  10. Do you think in the next 5 years (i'm asking you to guess, because obviously you can't know this) I'll need more than 12GB of vram in new AAA games? If at any point I'll need it, then I'll go for the 3090, but I'm not sure if there's even a good chance that I'll need it.
  11. Budget (including currency): 17000₪ (ils) +1000 over budget if necessary Country: israel Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: a lot of gaming, all the new and old games. Other details (existing parts lists, whether any peripherals are needed, what you're upgrading from, when you're going to buy, what resolution and refresh rate you want to play at, etc): This is my part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/gCb7hk Is this an optimal build? Do you have any recommendations to change/reconsider? I'm not sure if I should go with a 3080Ti instead, because the only difference is the VRAM and I'm not sure how crucial that will be in the future (I don't plan to upgrade my PC in the next 4-5 years). I'm buying it this month, I have a 4TB HDD that I'll be using from my old PC, no peripherals are needed, and i play at 1440p144hz. Thanks!
  12. Problem was fixed by TCP Optimizer. Last week I upgraded to 1000/100 fiber internet connection, and whenever I test my speeds to israel (my country), I get 930/120, which is standard for this connection (I use ethernet). But whenever I try to speedtest to other countries, for example france or germany, i get a max speed of 55/45 (55/45 is the highest i've gotten out of multiple servers i've tested to), and other people with my connection get download speeds somewhere in the 100s to ANY country (around 600mbps to the same servers which I get 55 to), so these speeds aren't normal. So I tried test my speeds from a laptop connected via ethernet (same cable, same modem), and with my laptop I get around 800/100 to EU (and even my phone that's connected via WIFI gets 300/100 to EU), so the problem is clearly with my PC. So far I've tried calling the ISP, but they can't do much if my PC has a problem, I've tried updating drivers, installing old drivers, and even getting a new network card (TG-3468, and installing drivers for that too), and all of those didn't help. I don't know what more I can try, the only thing I can think of is to format my PC but I have to do a lot of checking of what I do and don't need, and I don't even know if it will help since I don't know where the problem lies. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
  13. I was using the cloudflare DNS, now tried the google DNS and it's basically the same.
  14. No he has a different ISP. Honestly it might actually be the case that my ISP is screwing people over. it's really weird