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  1. I currently have my default ISP router modem combo unit thing the specs are below. And a fiber connection from the street, I'm on the top plan and advertised speeds are 900mbs down 500 up. I get about 400 down 300 up depending on time of day. And I want to upgrade my network, I don't know where to start I feel like I have watched hours of video's about it but now feel more lost than when I started. I Don't have a fixed budget but willing to go up to around $1000, but cheaper is better as long as I'm not losing out on performance. I'm considering some for of mesh network like the TP Link DECO unit to have a unit up and downstairs' as there is no networking run through the house and I'm renting and cable's on the staircase are a deathtrap. If anyone has any suggestion's on what I should get or where to go for some good info please let me know :), I know too much about general PC Stuff but completely lost looking at networking related things. Please help Model: Vodafone H-500-t Dual Core Broadcom 400MHz CPU with 256MB DDR3 RAM DSL/WAN router 1x ADSL/VDSL (RJ-11) 3 x Gigabit Ethernet LAN (RJ45) 1 x Gigabit Ethernet WAN (RJ45) 2 x FXS for analogue phones, fax, pos (RJ11) 1 x USB 2.0 4G/3G HSPA via MBB USB stick Wi-Fi 11b/g/n/ac dual band concurrent: 5GHz Quantenna 4x4 MIMO and beam forming. 2,4GHz Broadcom 2x2 DSL chipset - Bcm6303
  2. I'm at a crossroads at the moment, I've started looking at upgrading my GPU and there are 2 GPUs that seem to fit into my range. The rx 7900 xt which is currently $1400 local currency and a rx 6950 xt going for $1200 local currency. Anyone have experience with these GPUs? And which one should I buy? Is the $200 difference worth it?
  3. I recently got an RX6600 XT and it is now my main GPU, I now have an rx 580 sitting in a box and im curious if there's any use cases for it if i chuck it back into the pc as a secondary GPU.
  4. I ended up getting the msi gaming version should be a bit of an upgrade when it ships
  5. If you go to task manager and click on startup. How many programs are enabled under start up column
  6. Some things that may help. 1. Update drivers 2. Reinstalling drivers 3. See if the issue persists with an HDMI cable or having the display cable in a different port on GPU. 4. Try a different display port cable (some cables get funky with higher refresh rates) 5. Take the GPU out and put it back in. 6. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/geforce-graphics-cards/5/404418/rtx-3090-and-3080-displayport-flicker-issue-and-wo/
  7. I know you've probably tried this already, but have you tried plugging the display cable into another port on the GPU.
  8. I'm currently rocking a 4bg Rx 580 and looking to upgrade since GPU prices have calm down quite a bit recently. In my country I can get a new Rx 6600 xt for 320 USD. And just want to know if anyone has an Rx 6600 xt and think if it's a good option. For reference a rtx 3060 ti is 500 USD in my country And rtx 3060 is 420 USD And an RX 6700xt is 550 USD
  9. Buy a new Gpu e.g 1070ti/1080, vega 56 And maybe upgrade psu, depends if the psu is high quality or not.
  10. If you get an apu as suggested above you will have a new platform allowing you to upgrade later on, and a 2200g or 2400g will run games fine on mid -low settings at 1080p, it might be 20-40 pounds over budged but its worth considering cause you will have a platform that will last you many years in the future, the current platform you have is already outdated and will die out completely very soon.
  11. Most likely, I dont see why it would'tn I know you said no suggestions but, (wait for get 2 threadripper it will be worth the 1-2 month wait )
  12. https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/HfDRvn
  13. You can probably fit in within 200-250 pounds
  14. I personaly dont like apus but, i can suggest you get a new mother boad like an a320 and a g2400 or g2200 because if you have the hard drives and psu and case all you will need to buy will be a 2400g or g2200, 4-8gb ram, a320 or b350 motherboard