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  1. He did say he didn't notice throttling, doesn't that imply it's running at top 1060 speed? I do think something's wrong there, it doesn't seem physically possible for the 1060 to run cooler than a 970m in the same chassis, but if data proves me wrong I won't dispute it.
  2. Surprisingly cooler than expected. What do you guys think?
  3. Perfect reply. You put it better than I ever could, I don't have anything to add. Just one thing: I see people talking about a 460 for the 15" MBP but on Apple's website the highest cofnig I can find uses a 455. (Which is about as powerful as a 960m)
  4. Disregarding the IO, with good cooling and a good GPU (both of which it probably doesn't have because physics) it would be a great laptop. The design is still nice, the battery life will be godly and the screen should be great as well.
  5. Considering Apple went with the "thinner and lighter" trope AGAIN, expect these laptops to get toasty under load. Chances are the ones with dGPU will be throttling like crazy. That being said, considering you want one of these laptops and nothing else: Nope, you won't get 1080p 150 FPS regardless of config. The best GPU of the lineup has 2GB of memory. It doesn't tell the whole story but it obviously means it is NOT a high end GPU, more like a low midrange GPU. You should get 60 FPS without any problem (except temps lol) but 150? Nope.
  6. These are very valid solutions, but why should I do all that? These are premium laptops. The very latest premium laptops to be released. Supposed to be aimed at Pros. So why are they taking two steps back in functionality and ergonomy with dongles? Why do I need to change all my peripherals just to fit these machines? Apple got it backward, the laptops are the ones supposed to be better at fitting me, not the opposite! It's almost a if Apple thinks you need to deserve using these. This touch bar would be great... if crazy good touchscreens like the Surface lineup has didn't exist. F keys are also another sacrifice Apple made to the god of change.
  7. I'm a gamer, using both a desktop and laptop, and I use the USB ports on my laptop (XPS 15) daily. For sharing files with my coworkers through a USB 3 drive, for pluging in my mouse that I use for both games and content creation (fuck yeah macros and extra mouse buttons), mostly. I can't do both with this new laptop. I need dongles or to buy new peripherals that I wouldn't be able to use in 95% of current computers, probably 80% next year. If I get a USB C drive great, but how am I going to share it with my coworkers if they don't have a high end laptop with a USB C port? In 5 years USB C might be the norm but it's just not right now. Adding at least a single USB A port would save these laptops but no, Apple went the "we're different" way and fucked up. If at least, they had revolutionary features then I might see these as "way ahead of their time" machines, but nope. Where microsoft gives you the best touchscreens on laptops/desktops ever, Apple gives you the most gimmicky touchbar ever. I used to laugh at the guys saying Apple died with Jobs but if there's one thing that could give some credit to this idea, it's this MBP lineup.
  8. Going forward, as in in a few years and by then, this laptop will be old and outdated. Yes, you can. With a freaking adapter. Using 95% of external devices require a dongle with this thing. It's simply stupid and at the opposite of what a "Pro" laptop should be: functional!
  9. I would be kinda ok with 3 USB C+1 USB A. Still not ideal (2 C 2 A would be the sweet spot) but useable. This thing is not. Oh, no HDMI port either lol so yeah this product is so stupid I don't see who would consider it the ideal device. Not pros, obviously. Not students, because there is so much better out there like an XPS 13 that actually has USB A ports. Not gamers because lol specs, lol MacOS. Not artists because the freaking Surface lineup exists. This thing has no target. Any company other than Apple selling this would be called crazy.
  10. WTF was that Apple? No really, what the actual fuck? NOTHING about this new MacBook Pro is actually interesting let alone Pro. I don't care about your "courage" Apple, 0 USB A is simply stupid in 2016. It's also stupid in 2017 and probably in 2018. Your "bravery" comes at a big cost : functionality. I LOVE the idea of 4 TB3 (I don't know what magic they're using for the PCIE lanes). But without a USB A port it's just too much of a sacrifice. You'll need a dongle to use a regular freaking USB drive. Forget using your awesome non-bluetooth mouse. Oh, you have an SD card ? That's nice mate, but it doesn't fit in our courageous laptop sorry :D. After yesterday's Microsoft event I can almost imagine : "You guys want a touchscreen? We heard you! Here is a touch...bar. Yeah! Why make the entire screen tactile when you can just have a gimmicky OLED bar that will autocorrect because as a the complete retard you are, you obviously type looking at your keyboard !" Just what is wrong with you Apple? Specs are still standard at best. AMD GPU. Even with a lower end GPU It'll throttle like a a freaking Blade in that chassis. But hey we shaved off a millimetter W00T! I'm no Apple hater. I really liked my 15" Retina MBP from 2015 even with its dated specs. But this is simply stupid. EDIT: LOL no MagSafe, they even removed the one thing they invented and did 100% perfect.
  11. It's Razer dude. They don't give a single shit as long as it sells. This thing will reach 95C, cook itself to death and be the most expensive slab of aluminum in existence. And they won't give a single fuck.
  12. So Razer just announced the new Razer Blade Pro, a 17" "desktop replacement". http://www.razerzone.com/gaming-systems/razer-blade-pro i7-6700HQ, GTX 1080, 0.9" thick, low profile mechanical keyboard, 99whr battery, 4K G-sync display. Razer claim they are "generations ahead" with the cooling solution. I hope it's not generations ahead like the 14" Blade cause that's so futuristic that it can't cool current CPUs/GPUs lol. It's using a vapor chamber. Oh, STARTING price point: $3.6k and... €4.1k. Lol.
  13. LOL. Really Razer ? And the guy even has it raised with a laptop stand. Just imagine without one. If Linus doesn't mention the temps in his review I'm unsubbing and not watching one more videos from LTT. Seeing how he praised the 970M blade was already hitting a nerve, but recommending this thing is being plain irresponsible. 95 temps + crappy QC + crappy Support = shittest, most short lived $1700 (minimum) laptop ever. I was expecting crazy throttling. Not almost-hot-enough-to-boil-water temps. I so want to see these laptops die in a few months so we can have a huge shitstorm. That way Razer will finally have to pay for their stupid marketing based products.
  14. Clevos aren't magical laptops. Like Pendragon said they're average/decent in many ways. What sets them apart imo is that contrary to many laptops nowadays, they allow you to use 100% of the components you're paying for. Your 6700HQ will have proper turbo speeds. Your 1060 will be properly cooled. You won't see any throttling. The components you pay for is what you get, regardless of the load. I don't think I'd recommend a Clevo to the average user who games once a week and mostly uses his laptop for school, reddit and Netflix. But if you need the performances and don't mind the slightly bulky form factor (laptop + huge power brick) then they're probably one if not the best choice.