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Currently disliking the new Fortnite update.


It's crashing my game every time I die which is really frustrating. I feel like "Epic" Games hasn't done anything to actually improve the game.

  1. PCGuy_5960


    What is happening to game updates?!? BF1's update broke the game, PUBG's update broke the game, Fortnite's update broke the game. :/


    Also, I really hope that they fixed shotguns, because they are just broken overpowered. 

  2. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    They removed the double pump. I had a love/hate relationship with that tactic anyway, I loved using it but hated being on the receiving end of it.


    AFAIK they haven't done anything about the power of a shotgun in general, but IMO if you look at how easy it is to end a fight in real life with a shotgun, it's better to keep them as they are. I mean, in real life one shotgun blast to the torso is more than enough to put someone out of a fight, so it makes sense that you can take out another player with a few shotgun blasts.


    Also, I feel like rounds travel way too slowly through the air. Like, .50 caliber sniper rifle shouldn't take that long to hit a target from say 50 meters.
