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  1. I was actually thinking of getting the Visontech R9 685. What about the rest of the build?
  2. Last link was a dud here is the update: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Quezy/saved/YwwmP6
  3. Correct update last link was a dud! http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Quezy/saved/YwwmP6
  4. Updated my build your thoughts? http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Quezy/saved/3djR
  5. Updated my build your thoughts? http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Quezy/saved/3djR
  6. Even for a non oc cpu? I want to make sure that there is no conflict. Sorry for so many questions this is my first part/build project.
  7. Looks like a great pick. I did read a negative review about the BIOS update failing. Does one needs to update the BIOS out of the box and if so what is the procedure?
  8. I would like a good Mobo, just not sure if that means going for a Z97 or staying where I am. What would you recommend for a good gaming mobo?
  9. Ok, I will research those a bit. How do you feel about the cpu and MB I have selected. I am very comfortable with the cpu, its price/performance is great, and I think it will have no issues running my titles. Finding a mobo was the hard part because you don't know what you need until you need it. Thanks for taking time!
  10. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Quezy/saved/xwTZxr This will be my first do it yourself rig. I am pretty confident with what I have selected. Please add/give feedback if you feel I am missing something. My needs. 1080p single monitor gaming for - WoW, Heros of the Storm, Shadows of Mordor, BF4, and few future titles. No Streaming or recording No OCing Some simple home office stuff Last me next 3-4 for gaming titles Thanks for taking the time! Q
  11. Grats on the new dishwasher! I just need the pc components and a good case!