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  1. Why yes I have. I have cleaned our computers a time or two.
  2. Hey guys, I'm not an online market expert here. I just thought the price looked pretty good for what the mouse is. And no, I wasn't trying to advertise, I just thought it looked like a good deal so I thought I should let people know about it since prime day ends in 30 hours. Also, I didn't know there was a hot deals section, so thanks for letting me know :). Hope you all can find some good deals.
  3. Someone has probably already posted this, but I just thought I would let yall know this was a thing. Here's a link :https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-G-910-005728-G502-Hero/dp/B07PHLBBQR/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=g502+se&qid=1602630697&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&sr=8-2
  4. Yeah, I looked into it. I think I will try and find one that they recommended on prime for a prime day deal since that is happening right now. Lol, I ended up finding the same ram I already have on ebay for 25$ with free fast shipping. Cool, now I will have it by monday. Thank you for your help sir!!
  5. Thanks for the answer, I will look into that!
  6. I'm using a lenovo m900 tiny which uses this stick of ram, (look at the picture), and I was wanting to get another 8gb stick to put in so then I would have 16gb of ram. The only problem is that I've heard that if the ram didn't come in the same pack, even if its the same ram with the same model number and everything, there can be compatibility issues. Can someone explain this to me? Like, do I really need to worry about this? Or should I just buy the cheapest 2400mhz 8gb sodimm stick I can find?
  7. Yeah, I was thinking that might be easiest. I just don't know where I would get a replacement board from, so I was hoping I could fix it without replacing it. If you know where I might find a replacement board though, then hey, I might just do that. Thanks for the response!
  8. My brother bought an hp mixed reality headset a couple years ago, and it came with a somewhat faulty right controller. The trigger didn't click the same way the one on the left controller did, and it turned itself off sometimes but it worked fine otherwise. After a while, it stopped working. It will turn on, but it won't go into pairing mode when you push the sync button. I've tried factory resetting it, but it just won't go into pairing mode. Another thing, when you turn the controllers on they will vibrate twice in quick succession. What I've noticed is that the right controller (the broken one), vibrates a bit harder than the left controller when you turn it on. Anyhow, I took apart the right controller (broken one) using this guide, (https://www.ifixit.com/Device/HP_Windows_Mixed_Reality_Controllers_TPC-Q044), I found on Ifixit's website to try and figure out what was wrong with it. And I found a loose screw floating around in the controller. My guess is they somehow left it in there during manufacturing. This screw was stuck on a magnet that was on the back of the trigger, so every time you pushed the trigger, you would hit the joystick circuit board with this spare screw that was stuck on the magnet. This was why the trigger felt different to push than the one on the left controller. It looks like it left some scratches on the joystick board it was hitting, and when I compared it to the board on ifixits guide, it looked like the screw might have hit some resistors off the board too. My guess then is that this screw either broke a connection by scratching the board, or it knocked some resistors off, which is whats making the controller not go into pairing mode, and maybe why it vibrates harder than the left controller does when you turn it on. I checked around in the controller and I didn't find any other damage, (as far as I can tell), other than the where the screw was hitting the joystick board like I mentioned before. I really don't know much about electronics though, so I thought maybe you all could help me figure out how to get this working again. As I'd really like to use it to play some vr. If you could leave a reply with some helpful advice, I'd really appreciate it!! Sorry if I should have posted this somewhere else, I'm new to the forum! -I Included some pictures. One of the damaged joystick board where I outlined the damaged area with red. I also outlined where I think some resistors are missing with yellow. I also included a picture of the trigger with the screw I was talking about that was stuck on the magnet.
  9. Here's my opinion based on what I think and what others have posted. I don't like how they are doing this small monopoly thing with their exclusivity deals.. Maybe they won't ever stop trying to some extent to do this kind of stuff, but that doesn't make me just want to accept it and have exlusive deals like this become a regular thing. It only takes a little bit of the gaming community to accept or be okay with something before it can start spreading like wildfire. Just look at lootboxes and paid DLC. It started out with just a few games, and just some cosmetic stuff, but then went crazy. If people just wouldn't have bought games that did this stuff, it wouldn't have become what it has today. In case you haven't already seen one of the first comments on this post, the Epic Game Store is seriously lacking in features compared to steam and other platforms. I actually agree a bit that steam needs to do better, I think they take probably a bigger cut than they should, so they could really use some good competition to help them improve. However, that's not what epic is doing, nobody is choosing to use their platform because its better or they like the way they do things. Most people who use it only use it because they have to. I'll repeat, if the Epic Games Store had most of the features steam has and didn't do these exclusive deals, I would love to support them. At least so long as they don't start leaking things to China or start using China's backing to have unreasonably low prices and force everyone out of the market to have a monopoly or something.
  10. Yeah I think the battery in ours is most definitely dead as well. I tried to put windows 7 on it at one point to see if I couldn't squeeze some life out of it, but the old hard drive just made it too slow to be useful for much. I was thinking I might try installing linux on it just to mess with, but I think I would want to get a new ssd or hard drive first.
  11. Here's my dad's old work laptop. It's a Dell Lattitude D620 which was introduced (according to google) in 2006 being one of Dell's first business oriented dual core laptops. We used to beg our dad to use it to play online games on sites like miniclip and one that I think started with an n but I don't remember. It actually still works somehow, but it is sluggishly slow. I need to replace the old hard drive in it but haven't gotten around to it. Did anyone else have one of these laptops back in the day?
  12. Okay, thanks for explaining that for me, I was really confused for a while there.
  13. Hey, so it looks like every time I fold something and get some points, they just slowly disappear? I had about 300 points when I woke up my pc this morning after it had been folding all night, and those points just slowly disappeared until it was at 0. Is this normal? Edit: Is it because its "Points Per Day" so my points from last night don't appear?
  14. Hey, I just started folding on my main computer but I was thinking I would get some other computers we have here at the house folding too. So I was wondering. Can you use the same name and passcode on multiple computers at the same time? I'm thinking you probably can't but I just thought I would ask.