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T.w² | Tate .cL

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  1. So i am in the final stages of purchasing all the parts for my new computer build and dont want to leave anything out and end up having to wait for parts. Pretty much need clarifications on what i need. 1.do i need to buy a disk reader? Lots of builds have this left out and very confused. 2.do cases come with pre-installed fans? 3. Is there even a point in getting a HDD but instead only getting SSD's. 4.what precautions should i take durring my first build? Should inread manuals or just go straight into it. any replies help and are much appriciated
  2. Hey, so computer ive had for a few years is on its last leg and i plan on building my first VERY soon. Currently have a build in mind with these parts, http://pcpartpicker.com/list/NBGJM8 new build ideas are 100% welcome as well as tips for when i am building my first pc. Thanks all -tate
  3. Thanks all for the replies! sorry if it was confusing but this build would be using windows, the comment on osx was that it dosent supports games i wish to play. For storage im not picky, 500gb-1tb would be well enough and the type of storage i have no preference.
  4. Okay. Lately ive been thinking about going ahead and building a new pc and though the linus forums could answer my prayers. Currently i use an older imac (3-4 years) and it dosent have the power im looking for. As well as power the osx operating system is limiting to the gaming i wish to do. I have a budget of 1-1.5k and can flex a little if its for an upgraded part. I will most likely stick with one monitor but the option to run a second would be nice. I have a mice but would need a keyboard and prefered new mouse pad. This computer would be used for gaming and school. I would like it to benchmark pretty well/be able to play games at a good framerate. I have little to no knowledge of building a pc and am calling to the forums for help. Thanks for reading! ~Tate