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  1. Thanks Guys. The problem with the Mobo from antisleep the reviews I saw on newegg gets DOA, so I will use GDRRILEY's mobo. I will get the r9 380x later. I will buy the case first TESSERACT it has a promo code that ends on Aug 22 Thanks Guys
  2. http://pcpartpicker.com/list/whqFGf I'm only 15 yrs old. I don't have a job or anything, but when school starts I might get $500 or more. I want to play games at mid - high settings (any games that I can play 30-60fps or more) Should I lower the price because it will take me a while to get all those parts. I don't have an OS, monitor. Disclaimer: I might not reply or see the comments when I post this because it's midnight here in the US and I need some sleep. (Sorry for the bad english or sentences)