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  1. thanks for the reply. I probably will sell the drives and case, possibly the Redundant PSU's as well As for the mobo, RAM and CPUs, ill probably just recycle the parts. Bee good to the environment
  2. Like i said. I added up the parts overall value. i wasnt really expecting that much out of a server thats that old. "Adding up all the parts"
  3. Okay. i guess i had high hopes for something that won't be useful. I'm just in a desperate spot, ya know? I'll probably just part it out and see if anyone needs cheap parts,
  4. So so far adding up all the parts added up to around $611.8 USD (With me taking off for some of the things.) So would it be safe to assume i could get a couple hundred out of it? Edit: I realize now that that is a HUGE STRETCH and would probably be better parting it out. Thank you guys. I realize it would probably be for someone who would want to tinker around with server parts or someone who prefers the old stuff. Also, I know little to nothing about servers other than how to navigate the BIOS, and even then its tricky on this machine considering how old it is. I'm more of a new hardware type of person.
  5. Okay, thank you. I will try that. I wouldnt mind lowballing the crap out of it as well to just get some money out of it, as i got it for free haha.
  6. So my friend gave me his old servers the other day, free of charge. The one im worried about is the IBM Netfinity 7100. I don't have a use for a server so I was wondering if someone more familiar with servers and server hardware would be able to tell me how much it would be worth if i sold it? I really need the money so whatever answers i could get would be helpful. Thanks in advance for whoever can help me. SPECS: Dual Pentium III Xeon CPUs 512MB of memory 7x 36.4GB Hotswap drives Redundant power supply. PS: I didnt know where i shouldve put this thread as i am new to these forums, So I went with the server thread. if this is the wrong place, please let me know and i will correct my error.