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  1. Nrx

    FPS Problems

    I understand now, Thanks
  2. Hello everyone, so my main game is CS:GO and recently i bought myself a 1080. I ran max settings with GSync OFF and achieved 300 max FPS and 290 Min FPS, i turned GSync ON and the max went to about 140 FPS and the min 130 and the card stays at 30C, so what i dont understand is why the card isnt working harder to achieve higher than 144 FPS to match the HZ rate. How to fix?
  3. Hello, so im going for a green/black color theme and my motherboard has some buttons on it that have static red LEDs that i cant change the color of, so would it be okay if i put some black tape over the buttons? I dont want to kill it,
  4. 2 questions, can I either turn the LED off or turn it to green color?
  5. Hey guy, im planning on overclocking my 5820k and I need a good aio that will be able to keep my cpu cool. Looking for one under 150, thanks.
  6. What else could I connect it to?
  7. Would this be attached to the pump?
  8. So if I'm buying a res pump combo that has 2 In lets and 1 outlet, how do I drain the system? ( I'm new to this)
  9. Can i connect an RGB led light strip to this mother board? https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B013ALA6T0/ref=pd_aw_sim_sbs_147_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=8301K7GFXWDF9MDA5CET
  10. Ok so I'm building a black and green build, but my GPU cooler with my 970 super clocked is black and blue, so can I replace the cooler with this 980 ti cooler, and where could I get it? https://www.google.com/search?q=980+ti&safe=strict&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=snvi&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjHk6Hl-9fOAhVESyYKHTngASUQ_AUICigE&biw=360&bih=559#imgrc=-tCtDzkjyfSmCM%3A
  11. Lol forgot, I need socket LGA 1151, ddr4, Intel