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  1. Thanks for your input guys, really appreciate it! I think I'll stick with a good quality laptop, maybe with some extra peripherals, besides a mouse and some headphones, like another screen or two like Mark suggested. Again, thank you everyone!
  2. Hey guys! In about a year or so I'll embark on the incredible and exciting journey that is college life following a programming course or something along the lines of computer engineering or hardware engineering. It, like many other college experiences, is going to be filled with lots of drinking, studying, and getting lost in the college campus for the first year or so because your sense of navigation is the same as that of a goldfish. Because it's something rather important, I've started thinking about this problem of "Laptop vs Desktop" ever since I started highschool (talk about thinking ahead!) but I still haven't reached a proper answer. I wouldn't call myself an hardcore gamer, seeing as I only really play games like League of Legends, GTA V, City Skylines, and Battlefield 3/BC2. I might expand my game library in the future. But I also want something fit for college. A desktop packs the "punch" to play all those games but lacks mobility (I plan on not staying in the dorms during the weekends), and a laptop is mobile and can pack the necessary "punch", but I don't want to go too overbudget. I've already watched Linus' video about this subject but I still haven't made up my mind! So, I request the assistance of the wonderful community of the LTT forums to finally put an end to this situation. (my budget is around 1000€)